Quabis Steamwhistle Character in Locus | World Anvil
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Quabis Steamwhistle

Quabis Steamwhistle is a gnome inventor and engineer who is known for his innovative and creative approach to problem-solving. He is a small, energetic man with a wild, unkempt beard and a pair of spectacles perched on his nose. Quabis is always tinkering with something, and his workshop is filled with all manner of strange and fascinating gadgets and contraptions.   Despite his absent-minded and eccentric appearance, Quabis is a brilliant mind and a master of his craft. He has a natural aptitude for engineering and a keen eye for detail, and he is always coming up with new and innovative ideas. Quabis is also a shrewd businessgnome and an accomplished wizard, with a specialization in chronomancy and transmutation. However, while he is not mean or evil, he is apathetic to the idea of the "common good" and is more focused on his own pursuits and interests. He is highly respected by his peers and is known for his dedication to the advancement of technology and the pursuit of knowledge, but he is not always considerate of the consequences of his actions. Despite this, Quabis is still a kind and generous man, and he is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.


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