Ajtte Organization in Literally Just Earth | World Anvil
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Ajtean Confederation


When Cipactli makes landfall in 1850 on the western end of the continent, the ancestral home of the Ajtte, Vuohta and their related peoples is destroyed, forcing them to migrate eastward. The Fehervar choose to move east, splitting off from the Ajtte and Vuohta, who both go north, across the recently formed Argens range. Upon reaching the plains in the north of the continent, the Ajtte settle down between the Argens and Duortnes ranges, while the Vuohta continue further north, settling around Lake Koli.
The first settlements in the area from them date to 1940-1960, including Kieddi, Halti, and Jiehkkevárri. These were initially seasonal camps, but later evolved into more permanent settlements as the people adopted agriculture.

A couple decades earlier in 1928, the fourth sunwheel fell into the plains east of the Duortnes, which was ruled by the kingdom of Herjardalr. The impact caused the Surtalogi wildfire, which razed the kingdom for 17 years until 1945, killing 70% of the population. The crater from the impact later filled with water from the Abisko river to become Lake Sarek.
Due to the weakened state Herjardalr was in, the remnants, under King Dvalinn, swore allegiance to the Ajtte, led by Rana Nieda in exchange for protection. Shortly after this in 1955, Rana Neida declared the Kingdom of Ajtte from the base of the Ajtte in Kieddi, with herself as the sovereign with the regnal name Rana I.
Rana died in 1969, after which no new regent was coronated for 48 years, until her son Sköll became king in 2017. Records attest to a king reigning during this period, which is theorized to have been Rana's unknown husband or Rana's second son Mani. Additionally, both Sköll and Mani have been attested to have possessed an anomaly, the properties of which is unknown.

Kingdoms in Modern-Day Ajtte, ca 1950:
Under the reign of Sköll I, the Kingdoms of Vuohta and Herjardalr were assimilated into the Kingdom of Ajtte, in 2025 and 2031 respectively. A princess from the Vuohtan royal family married Sköll and became the queen of Ajtte, later queen regent upon her husband dying in a hunting accident.
Between 2069-2073, the Northern War between Ajtte and Durendal raged, due to a border dispute in the south. Because the area containing the Ajtte capital Kieddi and also the grave of Rana I, it was considered by Ajtte to be ancestral land. In the war, Kieddi fell under a siege which was quickly won by the Durendalese due to the lack of major fortification around Kieddi because it was initially just a seasonal camp. In the end stages of the siege, Queen Rana II was murdered in her residence in the city. After the loss of the south, the Ajtean capital was moved to the old Vuohtan capital Halti, where the new king was crowned a year after the end of the Kieddi siege.
Due to the apparent weakness of Ajtte after the war, the old Vuohtan royal family, the House of Ukko, overthrew the House of Nieda, installing themselves on the Ajtean throne. However, they quickly lost favor due to the second Ukko king seizing power from the intended heir and crowning himself in the small outpost Jiehkkevárri. He was assassinated after only 4 years on the throne, and the capital was returned to Halti. The Ukko dynasty ended after the third regent drowned in the sea without any children, a death shared with the first Ukko regent. The somewhat influential House of Olmai from the eastern town of Ritni seized power in the wake.

House of Nieda:
Name Birth Coronation Marriage Death
Rana I 1955-1969 Somewhere in the Ajtte homeland, 1925 1955, Kieddi Unknown husband Died of illness in Kieddi, 1969
48 year interregnum 1969-2017
Sköll I 2017-2036 Kieddi, 1959, son of Rana I and unknown husband 2017, Kieddi Päivätär, House of Ukko Died in a hunting accident in northern Ajtte, 2036
Päivätär (Queen Regent) 2036-2044 Halti, 2002, daughter to Ahto of House Ukko and Vellamo Sköll I Died from old age in Kieddi, 2075
Laib I 2044-2067 Kieddi, 2026, son of Sköll I and Päivätär 2044, Kieddi Siiri, House of Herjardalr Died from illness in Kieddi, 2067
Rana II 2067-2070 Kieddi, 2046, daughter of Laib I and Siiri 2067, Kieddi "Jáhkot" Murdered in her residence in Kieddi during the siege, 2070
Laib II 2071-2105 Kieddi, 2051, son of Laib I and Siiri 2071, Halti "Bikká" Died from illness in Halti, 2105
Reigned for 150 years.

House of Ukko:
Name Birth Coronation Marriage Death
Ahto I 2107-2157 Halti, 2084, son of Raimo and Sirkka Halti, 2107 "Pirkko" Drowned in Lake Koli, 2157
Ahto II 2157-2161 Halti, 2112, son of Ahto I and Pirkko Jiehkkevárri, 2157 "Arja" Murdered in his residence in Jiehkkevárri, 2161
Kuutar I 2163-2201 Halti, 2143, daughter of Ahto II and Arja Halti, 2163 None Drowned in the sea, 2201
Reigned for 94 years.

House of Olmai:
Name Birth Coronation Marriage Death
Reigned for 110 years.
Political, Confederation
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
National Animal:
The confederation has three national animals for each of its three constituent countries. Additionally, the island of Bliksvær has an unofficial "national" animal
Ajtte: Reindeer (Tarandrus)
Vuohta: Perch (Perca)
Herjardalr: Fox (Vulpes)
Bliksvær: Seal (Phoca)


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