Star Crash Mountains Geographic Location in Linibian States BT | World Anvil

Star Crash Mountains

A set of 4 mountain ranges in the midst of the Anaguana Desert. These mountains were thought to have been formed by some kind of impact event long before the earliest available records. Some myths call them the Corrupter's Fall, and claim the impact was when The Source cast The Corruption out of the celestial realms and into the prime material. Most modern scholars reject such claims, however. Some physical or magical characteristic of these ranges causes divination magic to perform unreliably when attempting to view the mountains themselves, so very little in known about most of the ranges. There is a mining settlement on the southern slopes of the westernmost range, so that area is well documented, but the miners rarely travel far afield, and the region remains far too dangerous to map reliably. The best documented portion of the ranges is the area surrounding the fortress city of St. Rhysus of the Gap. The area within 100 miles of that city is very well mapped and documented, but even the residents of that city are reluctant to map the mountain ranges themselves.

Mountain Range


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