Delaying the Inevitable, Campaign Overview Plot in Lindrinor | World Anvil
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Delaying the Inevitable, Campaign Overview



The ancient cult known as The Undying's Hands have been rebirthed since they have re-stolen the Scribings of the Void Master and has a new leader: Galandriel Scarred-One. He is an elvish sorcerer that, after many years as a warlock of Amled, the Deity of Instinct and Despair, met the Arch-Demon known as Merianir. Together they began to work. Through Merianir, Galandriel managed to deeper his connection to Amled, in which he made a pact: Galandriel would summon the Undying from their banishment and in return, he would become a general in the God's future war against the other deities.   However, although he managed to successfully summon Amled, the Ancient God is terribly underpowered for his time spent banished in the Void. Therefore, Galandriel is trying to acquire an item known as Essence of the Begining, a special kind of essence that could provide enough energy to restore the Undying to his older power.

Rising Action

The Dead Fortress

This was the place in which Galandriel summoned Amled. It was once the fortress of Dyalge Longrinos, the famous necromancer and leader of Athánato - The Grand Necropolis. It is located on the top of the Dead Mountain and it was used to gather Lighting Essence from the storms (to be used on the necromantic rituals that occurred inside the Necropolis). Since Galandriel also required this important magical component, he decided to do his summoning there.

Amled's Ancient Temple

He is using this ancient temple as a place for him and the rest of his cultists to worship. He is also revitalizing it.

Dragonslayers' Castle

He used this castle to summon Amled. Therefore, there is a lot of lingering void energy around, which has attracted many roaming voidlings to the area.

The Tomb of the Hisser King

He's been using this place as a headquarters for the The Undying's Hands

Merianir's Dark Fortress

He's been using this place to hide and protect the Undying.


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