The Fall of Riaka'dya Myth in Like Clockwork | World Anvil

The Fall of Riaka'dya


In glorious Riaka'dya, the elves lived in peace and beauty for untold millennia. Ruled by Danuda, first among elves, their existence was free of strife and they lived only to create objects of beauty and art.

In neighboring kingdoms, all was not well and the various neighbors of the elves began to look upon the carefree people as enemies. Further, they saw them as weak and unable to defend themselves.

Happily, ancient contracts with the very land ensured the safety of the elves and their enemies were reticent to engage them in the bright forests of Riaka'dya.

Still, they plotted and schemed, seeking a way to take those lands away from the elves, whose claim was just, a birthright for all of eternity. In the depths of their depravity, they devised their own contracts with fell beings, ancient and dark. With newfound power, they attacked Riaka'dya and drove the elves from their home.

Danuda gathered his people and escaped from Riaka'dya, not to other lands, but to another realm entirely. The elven people wept to see their ancient homes overrun by a dark host, but turned their eyes towards a new life; but with hope that they would one day return to Riaka'dya and reclaim their birthright.

Historical Basis

It is known to the elves and dwarves that the first of the elves appeared around the time of this legend. Danuda is a known historical figure.


These legends are known amongst all elves, though the particulars are often reserved for those who conduct the rituals to keep Riaka'dya safe from the evil outside of their borders.
Date of First Recording
20,000 O.W.
Date of Setting
20,000 O.W.
Related Ethnicities
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Cover image: Kealaphus World Map by Kay Fullmer


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