The Kingdom of Tarrissus Organization in Ligreida | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Tarrissus (Tar-riss-oos)

The Kingdom of Tarrissus is unusual among the nations of Augura, being that it is a Kingdom almost in name only. More accurately, it would be considered a loose coalition of Fiefdoms, called Memleks, and nomadic groups, known as Yadro.
However, each of those Memleks do meet every generation to choose an Emir (King of Queen) from among their number. Traditionally, the choosing is a series of competitions to find the most worthy among the candidates, from feats of combat prowess, to tests of wit and wisdom. Inevitably not all of the competitors enter on equal footing and many a Memlek has had their candidate take an unnecessary loss to gain favourable trade or betrothals from a more powerful opponent.


The Memleks are lead by a Baig, who are bound by tradition and law to not put themselves forward as the candidate for the choosing. 
Most of these Baigs and their families are Tabaxi and it has been many generations since a non-Tabaxi was chosen as Emir.   Alongside the Memleks are the Yadro, nomadic groups of livestock herders and traders, each of which is lead by a Kuzhetsi.
In the same way that the majority of the Baigs are Tabaxi, it is rare for a Yadro to go many generations without finding itself with an Elf as its Kuzhetsi, the stability they offer as leaders and their long memories are very beneficial for a way of life that almost never sees the Yadro in the same place more than once a year.

The Memlek Coalition

Memlek Stoneglass
Memlek Firewind
Memlek Ashfall
Memlek Goldweave
Memlek Heavensilk
Memlek Mistrise
Memlek Dawnstone
Memlek Sandcoil
Memlek Nightwind

The Untethered Yadro

Yadro Alarch Bendige (of The Blessed Swan)
Yadro Crëyr Ystyfnig (of The Stubborn Heron)
Yadro Colomen Chwerthin (of the Laughing Dove)
Yadro Chogau Troelli (of the Spinning Cuckoo)
Yadro Troellwyr Cuddio (of the Hiding Nightjar)
Yadro Gwennol Crwydro (of the Roaming Swift)
Yadro Craen Newynog (of the Hungry Crane)
Yadro Eryr Ceisio (of the Seeking Eagle)
Yadro Tylluan Meddwl (of the Pondering Owl)
Ranks of the Nobility:
Emir - Monarch
Morza - Prince(ss)
Baig - Lord

Ranks Within the Nomadic Groups:
Kuzhetsi - Warden
Geopolitical, Kingdom

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Author's Notes

Inspired by Kazakhstan
Primary Demographic: Tabaxi
Secondary Demographic: Wood Elves

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