The Isle of Qi Organization in Ligreida | World Anvil
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The Isle of Qi

The Divine Sorceresses who make up the ranks of the Mage-Queens of Qi maintain their dominion by monopolising all arcane power within their bloodlines.
Anyone, particularly a male, found to be attempting to learn magic or manifesting powers without the obvious intervention of a deity is put to death. Those manifesting Divine blessings not granted by the ancestral gods of the Qin are treated with less reverence than those blessed by native gods, but are still shown the respect due to them.
Any sons born within their bloodlines are trained as the guardians of the mage-queens and daughters who fail to manifest their birthright are sent to serve in the temples, to worship their ancestors in the hope that they will be gifted the lesser magics of the clerical orders.
Any arcane wielders from other lands who defy the edicts of the Mage Queens and enter the land of Qi are imprisoned and, eventually, exiled as soon as their powers are recognised.
To send a diplomatic emissary with such power is considered to be the ultimate affront to the Mage-Queens and may even be considered a declaration of war, depending on how strained the relations already are.


Ancestor Worship, specifically the ancestors of the Mage-Queens
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Official State Religion

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