The Divine Might of Unsienska Organization in Ligreida | World Anvil
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The Divine Might of Unsienska

The Island Nation of Unsienska is an insular country, certain of its own power and strength. The boasts of this tiny nation are mostly upheld by its impressive navy and phenomenally well trained military, which makes up for their limited numbers, at least compared to their much larger neighbours.



Demography and Population

Aasimar, Humans, other non-human races


The king is also head of the church, as he has been for centuries. The only recognised religion is the Godstar of Mourning. Non-human are permitted to worship their own pantheons in private, but any human/aasimar found to be worshipping any other deities are imprisoned as heretics and either convert or are executed.

Agriculture & Industry

The limited space available on the island means that there is a significant import of foodstuffs, largely supported by the export of some of the more exclusive things they do produce, such as a few strains of cattle much prized for their excellent flavour.


The Aasimar population are given all the best advantages of education, regardless of whether their family is mostly aasimar of if an aasimar child is born to a human family. The human family will also then be treated with greater respect. Most Humans are limited in their prospects however and it takes a rare individual to achieve a place at one of the more advanced schools.

Wave and Wing Bow Before the Star of Mourning

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Palace economy
Golden Seraphs Silver Cherubs Copper Thrones
Legislative Body
Each city has its own court, but the ultimate authority is the King

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