Machtheim Settlement in Ligreida | World Anvil
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The Capital City of both Heldaria and the greater Kingdom of Korbal, Machtheim is the Cultural, Societal and Religious Fulcrum about which the other Bundeslände resolve.


Humans - Dominant
The Humans are the dominant species present within the city, with representatives in all the strata of the city's infrastructure
Dwarves - Minority
The Dwarves are the second most populous group in Machtheim, most often present in mercantile pursuits, or artisanal crafts, though their appreciation of history also means that it is a rare library or museum, private or public, which does not count at least one dwarf among its staff.
The Elves inhabiting the city are close to matching the Dwarves in population, but they tend to be most noticeable in service roles, with a great many of the inns and hotels emplying them as front-of-house staff.
The Orcs who live within the city tend to find emplyment within the city guard or as labourers in the docks, almost as likely to take a contract aboard one of the ships as they are to return to their homes at the end of the day.
While technically a little lower in number than the Orcs, a casual visitor is more likely to meet a halfling once they have passed into the city proper, acting as messengers between the guilds or working alongside the Elves and Dwarves in the kitchens of various establishments. Halflings are less likely to be seen acting as owners of much more than a comfotable pie shop or bakery
Inhabitant Demonym
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