Brant, The Blade of Valour Character in Ligreida | World Anvil
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Brant, The Blade of Valour

Brant is the Oldest Daughter of Freimut and Gudrun, Twin to Aimar.
She is the Blade of Valour, most courageous of the Host, Invoked to call down a storm of punishment upon those who would flaunt justice and often receives the prayers of warriors before battle, asking that their hearts be courageous and their deaths be worthy.
She is also held as the most beautiful of her siblings, not purely for her appearance, but for her will.

Divine Domains

Primary: War
Secondary: Arcana, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Sword Wreathed in Lightning

Tenets of Faith

To hoild to Justice in the face of evil requires courage and those who live their lives in this pursuit are most beautiful in the Sovereigns' eyes.


The First day of Kahl is a dya when Brant is honoured. It is as much a reminder to see the beauty in every situation as to face the challenges of hardhip with courage and determination.
Divine Classification
Pale Purple
Storm Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Blue

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