Ellie Character in Life After Moonrise | World Anvil
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Ellie is the good, sweet wolf of the pack. Many regard her as being pure and innocent. She's often sent out as the front wolf to welcome others. Or occasionally used as bait. Being such a small and unimposing girl, nearly everyone immediately assumes she's harmless. She can be mistaken as the damsel in distress. Her sweet nature certainly helps sell that story.   For the most part, her image is correct, she is a sweet wolf. She's warm, gentle, caring, loving, and so on. It's just that she is a werewolf and she can defend herself or show off a bit too much. Around some boys, she's been a bit more of a mean-girl. Given her strength, it's easy enough to overpower just about anyone who's not enhanced.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ellie is a short, slim girl that radiates pure warmth wherever she goes. Her smile can fill the darkest and gloomiest spaces. Her words are almost always soft, yet never missed. It's a strange thing to have a timid voice that still cuts through the noise in a room. She is one of two wolves (besides the alphas) that the pack will immediately listen to.   Her wardobe consists almost entirely of cute outfits. She has knee length skirts that swirl out when she spins. Plaid shirts and jeans that make her look like a lumberjane. Fashionable dress clothes that almost seem more a fit for the 1960s than the modern era. She doesn't show a lot of skin, regardless of what she wears.   As a wolf, her fur is a light brown with some darker patches mixed in. She remains slim and slender even in that form. She can easily as a normal wolf when feral, and as an anthro, barely manages to reach the 7' mark.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Almost as much of Ellie's life has been spent with her family as has been spent with her pack. In her earlier life, she was slightly spoiled by her dad. He took her to ride ponies often. They couldn't afford to own one, but he ensured she got personal time with 'her' pony at a local ranch. She was active in girl scouts, eventually even involved in cheerleading.   Life got rougher leading up to her teenage years. Her dad was a doctor, and then he was a doctor out of work. He had developed nerve damage in his hands, he couldn't take care of his patients any more. He couldn't really take care of her anymore. It was just the two of them, she'd never gotten to know her mom.   Disability insurance kept them afloat financially while her dad looked into treatment, another job, anything to keep moving. She had to give up riding the pony, girlscouts, and a lot of other nice things. For a few years, she had to take care of herself as much as her dad. He did his best for her, but without fine motor control, he had challenges. She helped him as best she could. There were periods of months where he was recovering from surgeries trying to fix his arms, trying to restore his dexterity. During those times, she'd have to help him more than anything else.   Truth be told, this is probably where her sweetness came from. She learned to be loving and caring. She would hide anything that upset her, never show her dad so much as a neutral face. Every day, she had to be smiling.   This is also about the same time some of her mean-girl streak came into play. She had a crush at school. She confided in him, and even got to bring him over once. He laughed at her dad after he dropped drinks, bringing them to the living room. Her dad had a small break down. She never forgave the boy. Her dad tried, he'd been having a really good day so far. People could be cruel, and some days, she just feels like being cruel back. Especailly when someone reminds her of that boy.   Things took a sharper turn for the worse when she turned 13. She was bitten on a school field trip out of state. They were visiting Washington DC and some of the local woodlands. The trip was split between Biology Class and History. She was away from the group when she got bit. It was a lucky encounter, she could have been killed. It was a nip on her wrist before the wolf ran off. Later investigations by the pack failed to identify the wolf who bit her or explain why it was so readily scared off. The best guess is that it was recently turned itself, maybe trying to hide out and avoid attention.   The school had her taken to a hospital, she was quickly discharged to her dad's care. Given he was a doctor, they reasoned it was better he handle her. They administered rabies shots while waiting on bloodwork to come back. She fell into a coma not long after her discharge. It sent her dad into a panic. He spent a week with her in the hospital, there was nothing wrong with her. No bloodtests or scans found anything. She just had a fever, pains, hallucinations, and no explanation for it.   After the week in the hospital, she awoke and it was almost as if everything was normal. He kept her home from school for two full weeks to observe her. She shifted for the first time, right in the middle of the second week.   She has a rare distinction among the wolves of having NOT killed anyone accidentally. It scared the hell out of her dad, she was terrifying, but she managed to not harm him. After that, precautions had to be taken. He started to research lycanthropy. She returned to school, except for the days of full moons. Her dad had no problem being blunt with her teachers: "I know it's crazy, but my girl is all I have. She got bitten by a wolf once, maybe it was a full moon. I can't lose her." There was one call to child protective services, nothing wrong found around the house, and a lawyer's stern words to the school about discriminating against a parent's belief, founded or not.   Not long after her 14th birthday, they found the pack. He had only just managed to handle her on the full moons. They had a room that had been reinforced with steel, silver added to the paint. He told the contractors it was his panic room. No further questions were asked. He knew he couldn't help her truly learn to deal with this. He was holding her back.   Tearfully, he pushed her to live with the pack. They raised her and cared for her ever since. His own health has not improved since then. Ellie continues to put on a smile, she doesn't want anyone to tell her dad she so much as frowned at a bad episode of the Simpsons. She has to make this worth it for him, worth it for her. It wasn't, and still isn't easy for him to get by on his own, but he'll never admit that to her face.


There's a fairly strong chance that Ellie is pansexual with a bias towards women. That first date she had really crushed her heart. She still demonstrates some measure of affection towards men, but they have to fit her extremely narrow definition of 'a good man.' Most of the men in the pack don't even live up to that standard.


Ellie has a GED. When she moved in with the pack, they had her take online education rather than go to an in-person high school. She was handling her wolf, but they didn't want to draw attention to her absence or eratic behavior on the full moons. It was easier to isolate her from the human population. She did manage some extracurricular activities. The local school district had to offer her the opportunities. She acted in the school's musicals and managed to be a regular attendant at the dances.   She is currently attending college. It's a very slow progression. She only taking a few credits at a time. At thsi pace, it'll take her the next 10 years to get her degree. She doesn't know for sure that she even wants it. She's just inching along in that direction.


Ellie works on campus. She's a part-time receptionist in the campus Physical Therapy Center. It's an outpatient facility offering extremely budget care so their students can get hands on experience in their field. She likes to think each person in there is just like her dad will be someday: recovering and getting back to normal. It helps her to smile to see people bounce back from horrific diseases. It gives her hope the same can happen for her dad.

Failures & Embarrassments

Ellie will never tell anyone, but she has considered biting her dad. If she did, it would cure his disability overnight. She doesn't know how well he would take to changing though. It disgusts her that she's considered it. Even more so, that she might actually be willing to do it.

Mental Trauma

There is lingering issues from her dad's first getting disabled, from her first months as a wolf, and some seperation anxiety from moving in with the wolves. She worries about him tremendously, but there's not a lot she can do. All they had was each other, and now he doesn't even have that. She feels a lot of guilt over it.

Personality Characteristics


Ultimately, she wants to make her dad proud. If she decides to pursue a medical degree, she wants to be the one to cure him. She's fantasized about that, somehow finding what it will take to fix his arms. Even just in wolf-business, she has looked for various artifacts that might have healing properties. Being the sweet girl she is, most everyone, even the vampires, will answer when she asks questions.

The 'good girl' wolf. She often seems a damsel in distress, a pure and innocent creature. She's the friendliest of the wolves.

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Year of Birth
Long, light brown, often tied in two pigtails.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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