Charging Condition in Lexicon / Lekcaekon | World Anvil
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Charging (Chah-rih-GOH)

Charging, or Tkarigo in Lehkcia, simply putting it, is the absorbing and metabolizing of solar energy and radiation resulting in solar-empowered abilities. All Lexiconians, as well as Lexiconian life, when exposed to yellow, orange, white, and blue stars will (their cells) absorb and metabolize its solar radiation, granting them superpowers.


Lexiconian life developed the ability to absorb and store solar energy because there are long, long periods where their sun, Roalas, which is a red dwarf, simply isn’t in the sky, which is due to the unusual orbit that Lexicon, which has a gravity of 1.8 g, is locked into with Roal. The solar energy that they absorbed and stored within them stopped their bodies from shutting down in the freezing cold, kept them going, provided and gave a source of energy to them (their cells) and sustained as well as kick-started much of their metabolism so to survive and function during the extremely long night.   The reason Lexiconians are so powerful on other planets orbiting younger stars is because, the light they receive, and store is far more energetic than the light of Roal, because the younger stars' (orange, yellow, blue, white) wavelength of peak emission is up in the green, and they are using far, far less of the energy they absorb to protect themselves from a planet that would be fairly hostile to life, just by nature of its sheer mass. It's evolution, a means for survival on such a harsh planet.


Lexiconians still need to and have to sleep and drink and eat and breath, and all the regular stuff that all people face and have to do like tiredness or going to the bathroom and stuff but due to charging they require less and feel than usual. They can even survive in space for a long time if they're charged, and it greatly enhances their natural abilities, and they have superpowers. They can get knocked out, but it's extremely and notoriously hard and are almost nigh invulnerable if they are charged.   Their natural pain tolerance is higher than other humanoids, near-humans, and humans, though they can and do feel pain due to their durable and thick skin, which is hard to draw blood and pierce and dense muscles, but if they're charged, they don't feel almost none to absolutely none at all.  

List of Powers Granted by Charging

  (Note: their superpowers when charged are just their natural abilities just vastly enhanced)  
  • Flight (Theorized to be a combination of super-jump and the lighter gravity - they feel less gravitational pull on them since they're used to higher gravity (1.8g))
  • Enhanced invulnerability
  • Accelerated healing factor
  • Enhanced senses (vision, smell, hearing)
  • Enhanced strength
  • Enhanced speed
  • Enhanced reflexes
  • Enhanced stamina
  • Ability to survive without oxygen for a while
  • Enhanced resistance to extreme temperatures and extreme enviroments
  • Prognosis

    It is possible for them to overcharge and die, athough that is extremely rare and almost never happens.


    Solar abilities will weaken without charging. A Lexiconian who switches back and forth from red to another star constantly will get sick and cannot charge.   Also Lexiconians who have been fully charged since birth or for an extremely long time (example: born and living on a planet with a yellow star), when they are on a planet orbiting a red star for the first time, will feel pain and feelings of sickness due to the fact it has been stripped away so suddenly and their bodies are adjusting, and it's a bit of a shock to their system and they'll be feeling a sense of loss as they're struggling to adjust without the superpowers for the first time.

    Affected Groups

    Lexiconian hybrids charge as well although they are weaker and less powerful.


    Red stars block the metabolization, rendering them normal.   Also, the mineral lexonite , if they are within its presence and exposed to it, will immedialty strip them of their charging abilities even though they are were charged or in the state of charging or even when outside in direct exposure to the light of younger stars (orange, yellow, blue, white).

    Cultural Reception

    Lexiconians view their charging abilities as a gift from Roalas, their god, and as the power of Roalas flowing through them, which is given through the mother. Other than that, they just see it as something normal and natural and don't make a big deal of it.   The Lehkcia term Tkarigoig, roughly literally meaning 'chargingness', is an untranslatable word and concept that's best understood as the feeling you get while charging, when the light of a younger star hits you. Lexiconians liken to a kind of sense of euphoria, a sudden rush of strength and power that is just so hard to describe or explain.
    Affected Species

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