Yulavir Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Lady of Plenty, The Glutton)


Yulavir is the trailblazer of new opportunities and the Fragment of Consumption, Travel and Bravery. She represents new opportunities, the chances we get during our lives and that we should do everything to pursue them. No stone left unturned, anything is fair game when a new opportunity presents itself. New foods, new produce, new lands, the wonder of seeing something new for the first time is an unforgettable experience, and should be experienced as often as possible. For the heedless indulgence her faith preaches, she is often associated with the vices of greed and gluttony as well. She even appears in some bed-time stories as a being simply called 'The Glutton' that will take away naughty children. All just fanciful tales of course.


Bravery rings true with many people, and those in dangerous professions in particular. Her aspect of travel is great for stories but does not find purchase on many common folk who cannot travel out of town too often, although they might still call on her when they do have to travel for safety. The Sulvari in particular favor Yulavir, for they travel often on the seas and they admire bravery to a fault.   Her faithful clerics and paladins are often travelers who seek to explore every nook and cranny in the world. Many of them belong to the Order of the Staff, a guild of cartographers who have made it their goal to provide a carefully detailed map of the world.


She is depicted in many ways, but one very common and moderately amusing representation of her form, is that of a giant honey badger with a head on each end of her body that is sitting on a pile of wealth and exotic food.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Travel, Consumption, Bravery   Domains (5E): Tempest, Knowledge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A large, gaping maw devouring an orb meant to represent the world.
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the The First Five

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