The Origin of the Fragment-Gods Myth in Levantis | World Anvil
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The Origin of the Fragment-Gods

The Shattered God

In the beginning there was only one. It had no name for there was no one to name it, but the myths refer to it as The Originator or the Shattered God. It was born with vision and wisdom befitting of something that is all that existed. It saw all of potentiality and it wanted to create, to no longer be alone. But even in all of its wisdom it could see that one mind would never be enough to oversee all. And so it did the only thing it could: it shattered itself.  

The Origination

But it was intelligent, it knew that if it fully shattered itself, it could no longer communicate as it would no longer exist. And so, at first it only tore off a third of itself and used half of it to form five shards, each bearing traits that agreed with and opposed each other. These were the First Five, the first of the Fragment-Gods. It passed onto them its vision for a world, it showed them how they could use the rest of this third to create more fragments that would oversee the domains they could not, to lessen the burden. The First Five practiced what he taught them and molded its essence into the Progenitor Gods and the celestials that serve them. Then it broke off another third, which they used to lay the foundation for the world under his guidance. To create the planes and the lands, the skies and the seas. Lastly, it broke its final third, which formed into the raw elements to be used by the Gods to populate the planes with various species, to create new life.   This is the origin of the Fragment-Gods and it is an important story, for it has shaped the world that be. Each of the Fragment-Gods embodies several domains, core fragments of the world, which is their charge and their identity. They do not move against their nature and they embody it in all its forms, free from the sense of morality of mortal beings, having never known anything other than absolute power within their own domain.

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