The Iron Arbiters Organization in Levantis | World Anvil
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The Iron Arbiters


The Iron Arbiters or the Inquisition as it is more commonly called, is the most powerful religious organization within Middenland. It originates from the time of the Celesian Empire when it was called into being by command of Rikar Celeste himself. At the time there was a huge upsurge of false prophets, religions and (demonic) cults. Due to their acts, the existence of the Gods was clear, but the idea that there might be more Gods still was ever present. Emperor Rikar wanted a more centralized religious belief centered around the known pantheon to strengthen his rule.   Thus the Emperor's Own Inquisitors, the 'Even-Handed' Iron Arbiters were called into being. Their purpose was to seek out these false religions and blasphemous cults and put an end to them, whatever the means. They have taken their charge very seriously, and even centuries after the fall of the Celesian Empire they still remain. Wherever you go in Middenland, the name of the Iron Arbiters strikes fear in the heart of common men for the extreme prejudice with which they fulfill their duty.
"Our faith is our shield, his word is our sword. They may break our bodies, but they cannot corrupt our spirits!"
Arbiter initiation oath.


The Arbiters have many novices, initiates and priest who are still in learning. The lowest rank is that of the Novice Acolyte, who are still in learning. They spend their time studying the Arbiter's dogma, the history of religion and sects in Middenland and the theory of dealing with magical and extraplanar threats. Once their knowledge is deemed to be at an acceptable level, they are promoted to regular Acolyte and their combat training begins. After two years of training and the successful completion of a low-level mission, they are promoted to Trusted Acolyte. These are the standard operatives of the Arbiters who provide essential services and assist in tracking down and erasing corruption. However they are not privy to the order's secrets and inner workings. Each squadron of Trusted Acolytes is lead by a Comissary, a lead acolyte who trains and teaches the lower ranks and holds command for low priority missions. Higher up are the Praetorians, who are allowed to work individually and have access to the full arsenal of the order's tools of the trade. The order has created specialized weapons, drugs, poisons and other auxiliary equipment to aid in the subjugation and capture of their targets. Its highest members have even replaced their left hands with so-called Locktalons to always have a weapon capable of countering a magic-user on hand.   The Inquisitors are the highest ranking members of the Arbiters and they garner attention wherever they go. These feared men seem superhuman to most, almost as if they are enhance by magic were it not for the fact that it is widely known that magic does not affect them. Through a combination of rituals and complicated herbal concoctions that is one of the order's most well-kept secrets, the Inquisitor-to-be is separated from the magical energies of the world. This process also known as the 'Exaltation' gives them their tell-tale resistance to magic and extra-planar influences, which helps them combat their most common enemies which are generally spellcasters and demons. One major downside of this process is that the Inquisitor also becomes unable to use magic. To mitigate this issue however they rely on psionics instead, the secrets to which they uncovered in the ruined settlement of the now-extinct Mindflayers. Another one of the order's secrets, these psionic abilities allow them to create supernatural effects and pluck secrets from the minds of their enemies without having to rely on magic.   The Inquisitors and Inquisitor candidates form a synod that is responsible for maintaining focus and direction within the organization. This council, once known as the Emperor's Voice, also frequently invites representatives of the noble houses that lead each duchy to discuss their 'willing' cooperation. After all the council holds a large amount of sway when it comes to religious matters within the region due to its history and the strong position it has maintained while the fractured countries weakened. Even if they could do so, getting rid of the Arbiters would not benefit the duchies in the current situation, as they are their best weapon against the Ryvallen Confederacy, who would surely invade if the Arbiters were no longer there.  


Given the difficult decisions they must make in their line of duty, only the most loyal Praetorians are selected to become Inquisitor candidates. This emotional distance from the plight of their charges and their ruthless piety is exactly why they are so feared. While they are feared, they aren't entirely unwanted. In the end they protect the people from many dangers that they could not protect themselves from, and they do so with extreme efficiency. While Inquisitors will be quick to throw those they deem to have been corrupted in the fire, they are just as quick to put themselves in harm's way to protect the innocent. It is for this reason that they still enjoy a large amount of support, despite their ruthlessness. Their presence has led to a certain air of repression regarding religion in Middenland however. People do not want to be accidentally associated with dissenting minds or cults after all.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Emperor's Hand, The Inquisition
Related Ethnicities

Tools of the Trade

While their inability to use magic is compensated by the use of psionics (for the highest ranks at least), any inquisitor worth their salt knows that when dealing with casters and extraplanar beings you can never have too many tools at your disposal. The enhancing drugs are exlusive to the Inquisitors themselves who can withstand the side effects, but even the lower ranks tend to have access to lock-weapons and alchemical mixtures.  

Lock-Weapons and Lockbolts

The same ritual that is used to separate inquisitors from magic and extraplanar influences, can also be applied to objects although it is not nearly as effective without the accompanying imbibing of concoctions. These weapons have a poisoning effect on mages, making it difficult for them to concentrate on spells or even unable to cast at all depending on the quality of the Lock-weapon. High-ranking inquisitors even replace their left hand with a Locktalon during their Exaltation to always have a weapon on hand. This has also been used to make Lock-metal manacles that allow for the more efficient capture and imprisonment of rogue casters.  

Performance Enhancing Drugs

By harvesting material from extraplanar beings, concoctions can be made that that confer senses or properties of these creatures onto the consumer. This can be extremely helpful when hunting these creatures down, by being able to bypass their defense mechanisms. For example by imbibing Devil's Taint, an Inquisitor would be able to see through any magical darkness a Devil might create, thus being able to stick onto their trail. However these concoctions have strong averse effects on anyone who has not been separated from extraplanar influences like the Inquisitors are.  

Alchemical and Ancillary Weapons

Lastly are the tools that are available to the lower ranked members as well for the purpose of tracking down and detaining low-threat cults. These consist of alchemical combinations, poisons and various nifty tools. Examples of these include but are not limited to: Flash Powder, an alchemical powder that ignites and burns rapidly when exposed to friction or sudden force; the Ghast Retch Flask, which contains foul-smelling bonemeal harvested from ghasts that is kept in tightly sealed flask and releases toxic fumes when it is scattered upon impact; or the Pale Spike, a thin metal spike with a tip made of porous material that is highly poisonous and shatters upon impact, where it settles into the wound.

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