Skarann Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Great Atavir, The Ur-Vater (by the Urchae))


Skarann is the Fragment of the Sky, Hunt and Freedom. He is the youngest of The Twelve Progenitors, although they were all created at approximately the same time (by their perception of time at least). His philosophy is based around the idea that the only universal law should be that of the freedom of choice. The only crime is to take away that choice. This is a somewhat simplistic view as it could be misinterpreted to support thievery and murder, which Skarann does not actively support. However being an immortal god, his line of thought is to just not let that happen by being strong enough, not fully realizing how difficult that can be for the common man. But in his mind it is to hunt or be hunted, as it is in the wilds.  


His simplistic view on freedom of choice does not fit well within the laws of most kingdoms, which is why his presence within these is not as large. Although his church is still found within these lands to some extent. He is more popular among the tribal societies, such as the Gnolls or Khalag, who can appreciate his views on freedom more. He is most worshiped by the Urchae however, partially because he had a large part in creating them, partially because his philosophy aligns well with theirs.   In addition to clerics, His clergy also includes rangers and druids, more so than paladins even. They fulfill different roles, with the clerics tending to civilized communities and ensuring no tyrant will ever rise therein, while the druids and rangers ensure that nature can grow freely without being stomped upon by the civilized people. Neither men nor nature should be despoiled and enslaved, instead it should be left free to grow to its full potential, that is His dogma.


He is often depicted as a huge red-tailed hawk with three pairs of splendid wings adorned with talons. Each of its six eyes is a clear, opal black and its beak is lined with razor-sharp teeth.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: The hunt, the sky and personal freedom.
  Domains (5E): Tempest, Nature

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A claw with six razor-sharp talons.
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the The First Five

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