Nephini Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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Nephini, also called Beautiful Nephini, is the Fragment of Love, Beauty and Perseverance, and in some versions Resentment. While she admires and promotes the pursuit of physical beauty, the most beautiful thing to her, is love. And she believes anything is allowed in the pursuit of love. It is the greatest good, the thing that drives all creation, and the thing that could end it all too.   No plot is too nefarious, no cruelty too great, when one is pursuing love. She herself also desires to be loved by all, and resents those who do not love her or worse, scorn her. For this reason, some also call her Crazy Nephi, particularly her fellow Gods. Anyone who does so and is not of deific nature should hope that they are lucky enough to go unnoticed, because she hates the name and has been known to strike people down on occasion for uttering it.


Nephini has many worshipers across the different continents. Her temples and orders mostly focus on the easily palatable aspects of love and beauty, which makes her quite a popular Goddess. Very few turn to her more extreme doctrines, and those who do usually seclude themselves with others that are like-minded.   Her popularity and the message her faith spreads varies between regions however, based on what is considered appropriate there. The Sulvari for example are a passionate people, who view acts of passion in the name of love as an admirable thing, to such an extent that they often write plays around these themes. Within their temples, Nephini and her faith are often centered around beauty and fiery passion. Within Middenland however, views on love are slightly different. In their eyes, passion is a temporary thing, and succumbing to it is often considered a weakness. Their idea of love, is that of the devoted love that is quiet, supportive and remains true to a single loved one. Thus, the temples there spread a message centered around that.


Nephini's true appearance is the most contested of all of those among the Gods. Each culture represents her as an extremely attractive female according to their beauty standards. This is partially caused by the fact that when Nephini comes down to visit mortals, she does take the appearance that they would find most attractive. When she's in a room with multiple others, they all see her differently. Not even the other Gods, not even the First Five who created her, have ever been able to see past this illusion and witness her true form. If she even has one.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Love, Beauty, Perseverance, (In some myths: Resentment)
  Domains (5E): Peace, Light, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A beautiful, stylized face surrounded by curling hair that forms a corona around the head.
Circumstances of Birth
Created by The First Five

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