Kydross Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Lure of the Deep, The Sea's Wrath)


Kydross is one of The Twelve Progenitors and the Fragment of the Sea, Storms and Deception. He embodies the mystery of the deep dark sea, ever unpredictable, and ever-changing. One must honor the sea and its ruler, or be dragged down to its unknowable depths. For all life came from the sea, and to the sea it will return.   Legends tell of Kydross and his Merfolk servants luring people to their doom in the great depths of the sea. He is mostly worshiped by sailors and other people traveling the sea out of fear. Those who do not worship him or worse, scorn him, are sometimes dragged down to the depths along with their ships in raging maelstroms. Much more often however does he try to lure people to go into the depths willingly, reveling in his manipulatory powers.  


Kydross has few temples on the mainland due to his malevolent nature, although some were raised by the Sulvari in the major ports, mostly out of self-preservation. Due to his priests preaching about the terrible fate that befalls those who do not bring any sacrifice to Kydross, many travelers make sacrifices at his temples for safety. These priests also offer their services in the form of traveling with sailors to avoid harm, in exchange for financial compensation of course.   The rituals they act out to grant protection usually employ holy water that specifically comes from the ocean. Additionally it is quite common for Kydran priests to convey water from the seashore on one end of the ocean, across the sea, to a different land in a pilgrimage. Other priests are expected to help them during this journey, and anyone else who aids the pilgrim freely in this journey will be granted protection from Kydross's wrath free of charge while in their presence.   He has more worshipers among the creatures of the sea, the most numerous of which are the Sahuagin. These creatures build many temples to Kydross in their underwater settlements. He even has some servants among the Merfolk, particularly those that are more malevolent or selfish than the rest of their species. And they are often considered traitors for it by their own kind. The Merfolk serve and pay tribute to him by luring people into the depths using their wiles and trickery. This display of trickery pleases Kydross greatly, making them his favored servants.  


Kydross is usually depicted as male amphibian humanoid with the head of an anglerfish with an enlarged, shining lure. His eyes shine a bright yellow, just like his lure.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Sea, Storms, Trickery   Domains (5E): Tempest, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An anglerfish lure reaching out above the sea's surface.
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the The First Five

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