Iuras Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Great Arbiter)


Iuras is one of The Twelve Progenitors and well-known as the Fragment of Civilization, Order and Discipline. He is of the firm belief that if everyone were to follow the same established order, that will invariably lead to the greatest good for society as a whole. As such there is nothing more important than following and upholding the law, regardless of the morality of those laws. However, laws vary per location and this will invariably cause differences between the people of regions and thus conflict. Therefore a centralized rule would be most efficient and lead to the greatest good. This unshakeable belief is the foundation of the church of Iuras and not up for debate among its followers. His teachings also emphasize the importance of coordination and cooperation as two of the main pillars of society by stating that community and order are more powerful than an individual.  


The church of Iuras is the state religion of the Magvar Empire and the only religion that is recognized within its boundaries. Its influence can be seen in the strict adherence to the law that the hobgoblins of the empire display. The customs of the faith of Iuras are quite spartan in nature. It has no such things as holidays or celebratory events, instead its followers celebrate their faith through continued unwavering service.   Outside of the Magvar Empire, the followers and priests of Iuras are mostly judges, lawyers and arbiters. Even his shrines and temples are often found within courthouses or other legislative buildings.   His paladins are usually part of civil forces, but there are also dedicated templar orders, the most famous of which is the Steelheart Legion of the Magvar Empire. They zealously abide by the local law and mercilessly hunt down lawbreakers, regardless of extenuating circumstances or other moral questions. To them, the law is the law and there is nothing to it beyond that.  


His depictions vary somewhat, especially his race is often taken to be that of the individual who commissioned the artwork or the dominant race of the region. His depictions and descriptions do all have some things in common: his skin is always made of silver, his eyes are often missing as well and he generally wears flowing white robes.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Civilization, Order and Discipline.   Domains (5E): Order, Peace

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two clasped hands in front of a shield.
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the The First Five

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