Gormar Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Spark of Creation, The Master Craftsmen)


Gormar, the Spark of Creation, is one of The Twelve Progenitors. He is the Fragment of Craftsmanship, Invention and Folly and his faith teaches that nothing is more important than a new, creative idea. Ideas weigh nothing, but they can move mountains. They come from nothing, but they can change the world. Never hide an idea away, even if it seems unachievable. Rather share the idea, so that it may be heard and implemented. His faith works heavily towards documenting and spreading knowledge and invention. It is the church of Gormar that funds and administers the Grand Furan Library for example.   Of course, invention and craftsmanship will often lead to wealth as well, but Gormar charges his followers to use their wealth for the good of the community as a whole, to balance wealth with morality. That is not to say, that he can't be harsh in other ways. He considers wealth to be the product of effort. Work hard and fair, and you will be rewarded. Conversely, poverty is the product of a lack of effort. Laziness and ignorance should not be tolerated, for competition is the wellspring of all wealth and knowledge. The clever and industrious will compete with each other in a battle of wits, pushing the mortal races as a whole ahead into a new age of golden opportunity. But in constantly chasing new and more outrageous ideas, one may end up chasing geese, pursuing ideas that are nothing but folly. But Gormar teaches that even these moments of stupidity are worthwhile, for the mistakes you make grant you new inspiration to pursue other, better ideas. Whatever pain and ill consequences may come from folly, it is better than not having tried, so throw caution to the wind!  


Craftmanship and invention are attributes found in almost all societies, which means Gormar's faith can be found in most regions. He is particularly popular among the inventive dwarvenkind from The Pale Mountains or the Commonwealth of Furan. His aspect of inspiration also makes him popular among the theater-loving Sulvari. Usually his followers include the likes of smiths, bards, artists, jewelers, inventors, cartographers, scholars and scribes.  


He is rarely depicted directly, rather most places of worship and art pieces depict the symbols that represent him. The Sulvari usually represent Gormar with a blank writing scroll accompanied by a quill and ink. Meanwhile the Pale Dwarves represent him with a pair of jeweler's tools and pickaxe, and the Dwarves of Furan instead use a hammer and tongs.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Craftsmanship, Inspiration, Invention
  Domains (5E): Forge, Knowledge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An empty scroll buried under a variety of stylized tools.
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the The First Five

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