Aurora Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Lady of Creation, Supreme Goddess)


Aurora is the Fragment of Creation, Expression and Art. She is part of The First Five and the most powerful among them. She was the first to create a mortal race and the one who pushed her four compatriots to create something in the first place. She is eternally curious to see what the races they have created will create in turn and in particular she is curious about the arts such as painting, sculpting or even more abstract manners of art. Art is in itself worth pursuing, and she cares little for what people do in the pursuit of art, or how it does or not does conform to typical standards or morals. An artist who makes grotesque statues of flesh may be just as favored by her as a painter who creates exceptional still-lives, as long as it is fresh and unique.  


As a patron deity of Creation she is worshipped by many because she is often considered to be the one with the most influence in the actual creation of the world and its races. As a patron deity of art she is especially popular among high society.   To Aurora, art is an end unto itself. And pursuing it, is a noble virtue. Due to the large influence her church holds in many countries, the nobility are expected to either pursue or support the creation of art. This is why patronage of the arts is so common in Middenland for example.   The greatest artists are often considered to be blessed by the Gods, and Aurora in particular. The relation between gold and art within her faith is a bit particular however. A successful artist is someone who makes art of great quality, not someone who makes a lot of money. It is rather taboo to talk about monetary value when it comes to art, because making art is not about making money. You put in money and art comes out. The reinforcement of this idea means that most artists actually aren't all that wealthy and those who are, are often looked down on for having sold themselves out.  


She is often portrayed as a tall, fair-skinned human woman with long black hair and many arms. Her lower body becomes immaterial and ends in something resembling a tail made of the star-filled night sky. Common attributes in her portrayal are the hammer and chisel to represent creation and art.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Creation, Expression, Art   Domains (5E): Light, Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Hammer and chisel, paint brush.
Circumstances of Birth
The Origination

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