Alessar Character in Levantis | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Alessar Sunscale, P'subek)


Alessar is the youngest of the Twelve Progenitors, and the Fragment of Dominion, Strength and the Sun. He sees strength as the only virtue, teaching that any action in pursuit of strength is just. Strength is honest and he believes that the powerful have the right to rule. Those who have been able to attain strength are the ones who had the conviction to work to that goal, which makes them the most suitable leaders. Alessar seems to care little for the struggles of his followers, rarely sending omens or providing guidance. He thinks that doing so would leave them weak and would thus be irresponsible.   According to many myths and legends, Alessar can be prideful to a fault. The most well-known example of this is the story of how, back when the Gods were busy creating the world, Alessar decided to gather all the sunlight in one place to show off his strength. But as a result, the place where he gathered all this light burned down to the ground and even today remains a scorching hot desert landscape. This land is now known as the desert continent of Sabara.  


His teachings are used by many rulers who attained their power through sheer strength and ruthlessness to justify their cruel rule. Additionally, his teachings of conviction and leadership are often mistaken for Argor's teachings of passion, and his priests occasionally make use of these misgivings. He is more genuinely worshiped by the lizardfolk of the tetrarchy of Khuagawa, whose practical mindset aligns more with his than that of other civilized species. They also call him P'subek and he is their patron deity.   His faith has a couple of interesting traditions, for example the old Test of Strength. It is an ancient custom used to settle disputes between two people. Both try to build a wall, fell a tree or perform another act of tough physical labor and whoever finishes first is considered to be right. While productive and rather peaceful, this tradition has fallen a bit more by the wayside in contemporary society.   His Paladins are solitary individuals who wander around constantly looking for new challenges to cultivate their strength. Occasionally though, one of them rises up from above the masses as a glorious conqueror. These invariably end up being knight tyrants who tolerate no dissent. As the strong, their word is law. However, if someone stronger arises, they will first try to grow mightier to meet the challenge, but if they can't they will abide by their code and stand aside.  


Alessar is often depicted as a giant, (sometimes humanoid) albino crocodile with a halo shaped like a three-pointed crown around his head. Sunlight emanates from between the cracks in his scaled body, as if has absorbed the sun itself and can barely contain it. He also possesses a pair of sturdy, leathery wings similar to that of a wyvern.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Dominion, Strength, Sun
  Domains (5E): Light, War, Order

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A radiant sun shining down on a stone tower.
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the The First Five

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