Izzan bush Species in Lerulious | World Anvil
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Izzan bush

A short bush that grows up to two feet high and around four feet wide, with small round leaves shooting off from its branches, and bears dark berries in the summer and autumn.

Basic Information


The Izzan bush is a woody bush that grows up to two feet tall and about two feet wide. The main stalks of the bush grow up to an inch and a half wide, and branch out into much thinner branches that are covered in small, rounded leaves no larger than a 1/2 inch squared.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Izzan bush grows fairly slowly. A seed from the berries of the bush can grow into a full sized bush in three years. A new Izzan bush will begin to yield flowers and berries in its second year.

Ecology and Habitats

The Izzan bush grows well in low moisture (but not dry) soil, and is found regularly in hilly areas. Mostly grown wild and found in central Lerulious.

Biological Cycle

Izzan bushes flower in the late spring, and the flowers give way to berries in mid summer. The rest of the year, the Izzan bush only displays the green of its leaves.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Izzan bushes roots are regularly harvested by apothecaries who plan to wash and grate them for the production of vulnerary. The berries of the Izzan bush can be mashed and mixed with woodash to produce a common poison for use with weapons. The berries have no other use for humans.

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