Antony Paelpan Character in Lerulious | World Anvil
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Antony Paelpan

Antony Paelpan was a soldier in The Last Dragon War who served in the Kraemian War of Secession, and was disillusioned with his role in Fonzia’s military following the surrender of the Kiulmaan and Dubrian territories. He retired afterward, and returned to his homestead in Norferry. Following along with rebellions in other territories of the state, Antony cut off supplies of grain to Fonal, and is withholding them in pursuit of reforms to the state of Fonzia, particularly in curtailing the power of the royal family.


Family Ties

Wife: Cecilia (former Fonzia military- Deceased 55) Son: Roberto Paelpan (born 44) Grandson: Christopher Paelpan (born 63) Granddaughter: Antoinette Paelpan (born 63)
Year of Birth
19 45 Years old
Short, grey (formerly green)
Ruled Locations

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