Fortunes favor Language in Leonna | World Anvil
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Fortunes favor

This is a phrase that is used in Thornsglinn mostly amoung the creatures that believe in the changebringer/avandra. Though others use it as well even though they don't believe they either have gotten it from other people close by or from their parents.   Fortunes favor is simular to karma   Though it can be used in both positive and negative sense it is usually used to describe bad things to happen.   The full phrase came about when the memory wipe had already happened and nobody knew each other. The people were positive to each other and those who commited crimes were punished severly. It was seen as those that do good will be treated well and those that don't will get what they deserve. That line of thinking helped for a long time and was the very thing that helped thornsglinn grow to the size that it is at the current day. However just as the phrase itself has changed the people changed as well. A lot more dramatically than they probably realised. Through the propaganda that lead to the revolution of chaos. They started to become less trusting of each other and a divide became apparent. The people started to trust those of opposite views less. And as that campaign went on the final strike was made after the revolution of chaos actually happened and almost nobody "knew" each other anymore it was all a dogfight for who is the strongest.


The phrase has been through several different phases it started out as. When fortunes favor you, you shall be rewarded and to those it does not will be severly punished. after that it was shortened to When fortunes favor you, you shall be rewarded leaving out the negative part. After that it was cut again to fortunes favor. This was usually used in the positive sense until the revolution of chaos. The people of Thornsglinn became a lot more cynical after it and it is now almost exclusively used in a negative maner to talk someone down.

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