Whisper Vines Species in Lens | World Anvil
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Whisper Vines

The rare whisper vine is a favorite of spies and information brokers the world over. While strongly resembling a regular species of vine, these plants are distinct in that whenever a warmblooded creature stands within twenty feet of the vine, it begins to slowly grow minute nubs and discolorations on one side that "record" the immediate area. The tiny growths are so small that a given vine can record hundreds of hours of ambient sound, with larger vines able to operate for years without being "full."   Only a few alchemists, druids and well-informed individuals of other professions know about this property, and few are willing to discuss it openly. If a vine is harvested and retrieved (in pristine condition) a skilled handler can "translate" the tiny marks back into readable sounds at a very slow rate (5 minutes of dialogue often take about an hour for a trained specialist).   These properties come with a number of...limitations, however. If the vine is removed from soil, the markings are only readable for the next 1-3 days, as the plant's death slowly drains the color and texture out of the vine. The complexity of their patterns, coupled with the fact that some of the information is based on proportion and texture, means that it's effectively impossible to "copy" a vine without first translating it. While it's possible to move a vine without killing it, such an act is extremely difficult and time-consuming because the vine powerfully binds itself to nearby surfaces. More than one would-be eavesdropper has attempted to make off with a vine, only to tear it in half. It's far easier to cut the vine at the stem, causing it to release its hold, but killing the plant and leading inevitably to the vine's death and the eventual erasure of its messages.   Nor is the recording necessarily useful. The vine records whenever a significant (at least halfling-sized) source of body heat is within 30 feet and it records all sound when it's active. Lizardfolk and other cold-blooded creatures don't trigger the vine, and any useful conversations it records are without attribution-the words are written out as sounds without regard for who is speaking when or making which noise.   Despite these drawbacks

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

No one is certain about the origin of the vine. Some say they were the design of a lonely nature deity who hoped to better understand humanity. Others hypothesize a paranoid druid trying to prove his wife's infidelity. It could be anything, really.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Whisper vines can sense heat, and seem to have evolved to selectively use their recording ability only when they sense nearby creatures. This ensures the vines are useful and will therefore keep being planted.
Conservation Status
Whisper vines are rare, but hardy and can adapt to a number of environments. Most who know of their existence are less worried about their going extinct and more concerned that their properties could become more widely known.


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