Kohli's Labyrinth Geographic Location in Leitoria | World Anvil
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Kohli's Labyrinth

Kohli's Labyrinth is an incredibly dense jungle located along the Jirithkaen side of the Southern Divide mountain range. No settlements have ever survived here. There is only a single road through the jungle, and those who wander too far from that path are never seen again.

Fauna & Flora

The rainforest is filled with a twisted maze of trees and vines. The towering forest canopy blocks out the sky, only allowing patches of light to filter through to the fungus covered floor.

Kohli's Labyrinth is home to a wide array of native animals, including clouded leopards, gibbons, deer, red pandas, partridges, and several species of snakes.

The rainforest also contains a large variety of insects, many of which can infect unprepared travelers with diseases. Anyone journeying along the Kohli Road is strongly advised to cover any unprotected skin with insect repelling ointments.


The jungle was named after Jaya Kohli, a brilliant Jirian alchemist and medical scholar who lived during the Royal Age.

She was an outspoken critic of the Jiri Sovereignty's military expansion into the neighboring Othkaen territory. When she was forcibly contracted into creating a controllable strain of grayrot plague as a biological weapon by the Jiri government, she instead fled her home and offered her services to the Othkaens so that they could protect their homeland.

After multiple nearly successful assassination attempts on Kohli's life, her enemies back in Jiri made a deal with the legendary demon Kitari to kill Kohli and retrieve her notes on the grayrot plague.

To escape the murderous demon, Kohli fled deep into the southern jungle. She was never seen again.

However, Kitari also returned from her pursuit empty handed, making Kohli the only person to have ever escaped the murderous demon's wrath. According to legend, Kohli successfully evaded discovery and spent the rest of her life researching the rainforest's unique plants and fungi. Her extensive library is said to still be hidden somewhere in the tangled jungle.

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The Kohli Road

The Kohli Road is the only maintained road in the entire region. It was once heavily used by travelers and merchants making the journey to Iri'tal at the southern tip of the continent.

Most travelers today take the faster journey by ship along the coast, but the Kohli Road is still maintained for those who choose the overland route. The Jirithkaen military outpost near the edge of the Labyrinth offers protection services along the road for a fee.

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Cover image: by Cloud7

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