Archdemons Species in Leitoria | World Anvil
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The Archdemons of the Ivory Court are god-like beings who once ruled over Leitoria 2,000 years ago. They are often reviled as the malevolent spawn of the Abyss who tempt mortals with the allure of magic in exchange for blood.

Demonic Contracts

Pixabay Image by design-benita

Archdemons possess the unique ability to share their magic with others for a price. The price itself is set by the Archdemon, but it is often much higher than it first appears.

Lords of the Abyss often twist the terms of their contracts and play with those foolish or desperate enough to bargain with them. However, even they cannot completely break a contract once it has been made. Although they possess incredible power, Archdemons are as much bound by their magic as mortals are.

Those who make a contract with an Archdemon gain white-colored demonic magic and do not suffer from abyssal corruption like witches do.

One aspect of the demonic contracts that has always eluded scholars and theologians is what exactly the Archdemons want to achieve. Often their demands seem solely driven to emotionally torment their victim. They have been known to offer their services in exchange for sentimental objects or limbs, but what use any of those would be to an Abyssal Lord is unclear.

According to the Trivirtuous Faith, forging a pact gives the Archdemon access to a person's soul. When they eventually die, the cursed soul will be dragged across the veil of worlds and into the nightmarish Abyss to be tormented for eternity.

Others believe they are simply evil beings who need no motivation other than the enjoyment of suffering and the thrill of chaos.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Although they are known as Archdemons, members of the Ivory Court have very little in common with typical demons. They are a strange fusion of humans and abyssal creatures.

by Cloud7

All Archdemons can use white demonic magic without any catalyst just like demons. They can also regenerate their physical body from their heart after any injury and feed on the negative emotions of others. However, they do not have the white hair and red eyes of demons and are not dependent on human hearts to survive. Archdemons also posses the distinctive black blood and skin crystallization associated with abyssal corruption without suffering the debilitating late stage symptoms.

Their strange mixture of human and demon traits has led many to believe that the Archdemons of the Ivory Court were once mortals who gained god-like power and immortality from the Abyss.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Archdemons don't need food or water. Instead, they draw all of their energy from the Abyss. Unlike typical demons, they do not need to feed on hearts to extend their lifespan.

Like lesser demons however, Archdemons still feed on the negative emotions of others. Although it is not necessary for their survival, this insatiable hunger drives them to cause pain and chaos to those around them. An Archdemon will often use those contracted to them as both instruments and victims of their cruel destruction.

Civilization and Culture


Thousands of years ago, all of known Leitoria was held by the Ivory Empire and the nine immortal Archdemons who ruled it. The original nine members of the Ivory Court possessed god-like magic, but they were eventually brought down by the Dawnforger two thousand years ago. Five of the Archdemons were killed, while the remaining four fled back to the Abyss.

The Archdemons of the modern day are a new generation of Abyssal Lords. A few are rumored to be surviving members of the original Ivory Court, but most were formed in the following years.


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Cover image: by Cloud7