Sarh'Fasimi Character in Leikvöllur | World Anvil
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Fasimi Sarh

She is Al'Malika's biological mother. Due to her being prone to sickness and infections, she dies no longer after giving birth to her daughter, who was then put in the charge of her great uncle and cousins: The king and prince of Nahamira. The prince was to raise the girl as his own, and the public was informed that the child-to-be would be his during Sarh'Fasimi's pregnancy. Her sister, Sarh'Illana, joined the guard of the palace soon after. The real father remains unknown.


Family Ties

She had a twin sister: Sarh'Illana who today is commander of the palace/royal guard, and responsible of the security of the royal familly. They are cousins of the prince, Al'Hamir.
1399 AM 1421 AM 22 years old
Circumstances of Death
Complication during birth leading to death by infection. Fasimi could have had an immuno-deficiant desiese of some sort, she was prone to life-threatening infections
Aligned Organization
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