Pluuvian Brain-Beast Species in Lego World | World Anvil
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Pluuvian Brain-Beast

Pluuvian Brain-Beasts, colloquially known to humans as "Alien Clingers", were used by the Hypaxxian invaders of Earth as special forces to control Earthlings' minds.   The Alien Clinger is a small, lime green creature with a  single eyestalk protruding from the top of its body. Six tentacles on its lower body is used for locomotion as well as attaching to hosts and prey.   Pluuvian Brain-Beasts are often kept by Hypaxxian forces as secret weapons, making use of their natural mind controlling abilities to take control over enemy forces. Clingers can also metabolize brainpower and turn it into a combustable source of power for the hypaxxian space fleet. Curiously, their diet also involves a lot of broccoli.


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