Elementalists Military Formation in Legere | World Anvil
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The Phovezilan Military



The key difference between Elementalist magic and other magic is the application. Elementalists are taught to combine magical abilities with physical capabilities, often enhancing physical feats and combat techniques as opposed to fully relying on magical attacks. Of course, some Elementalists prefer fighting with arms and armour slightly over using their magical skills (and vice versa). As such, there are two types of soldiers in the Elementum Order: Slingers prefer magical combat over physical combat, and often at range; Jousters prefer physical combat over magical combat and usually form the frontline. These two different warrior types are easily distinguishable by their armour. Jousters wear much more armour while Slingers wear less, and often have more magical battery items worn on them. Both classes’ armour also have special gemstones embedded in their armour for additional magical energy storage.
Prefix to Slinger usually depends on specialization of that Elementalist:
Fire → Heatslinger
Water → Waterslinger
Lightning → Shockslinger
Rock → Rockslinger
Ice → Frostslinger
Wind → Windslinger
Light → Sunslinger   Prefix to Jouster also depends on specialization of that Elementalist:
Fire → Heatjouster
Water → Waterjouster
Lightning → Shockjouster
Rock → Rockjouster
Ice → Frostjouster
Wind → Windjouster
Light → Sunjouster


The elemental amulet worn around their necks, while ceremonial, also acts as a magical battery, storing magical energy for situations where naturally occurring magical forces may be weak and impractical to harness. The necklace is engraved with the sigil of the Elementalist’s specialization.  


Within the first 3 years of a Phovezilan child’s life, the parents may choose to send them to train as an Elementalist. Additionally, any orphaned children are also sent to the Elementum Order.   The Elementum Order’s headquarters for operation as well as training grounds are located in a fortress known as the Towers of Power, a twin-steepled castle that is adjacent to the royal palace by a few kilometres. The Towers of Power are a focus where arcane powers happen to converge and concentrate, becoming visible streams of energy at the top of the spires. This is the perfect area to help awaken the elemental spirit that all members of the Elementum Order require.   For the first 5 years of their training, children taken in by the Elementum Order are trained mentally, learning to read and write, studying history, philosophy, and politics. The Elementum Order believes that knowledge of the world around them is the first step in achieving great power.   At age 6, young Elementalists begin physical training. This includes daily work out sessions lifting light weights, running several laps around the Towers of Power, and an introduction to hand to hand combat sparring. In addition to this, the young Elementalists continue to advance their literacy and other scholarly skills.   At age 15, the Elementalists begin training with weapons, focused on perfecting the usage of the longsword and/or spear. They continue with physical training as well, but at an increased level of intensity, and their scholarship is still continued as well.   At age 20, Elementalists reach a crucial part of their lives. This is the age at which they will finally choose which force of nature they are destined to wield. There are 7 specializations that Elementalists can choose: Fire, Water, Lightning, Rock, Ice, Wind and Light. There are no philosophical differences between these schools- the simple difference is the type of magic that the young Elementalist will train under. Elementalists are also granted the title of “Elementum” at this point, as well as a necklace.   After this point, Elementalists may be promoted to a Master position if they prove skilled enough. Each specialization has 3 Masters to train members of that specialization. There is also a Grandmaster position, which the 21 Elementum Masters vote to elect whenever the prior Grandmaster dies or resigns.

The Elemental Creed:

"I pledge to utilize the power that I am most attuned to in ways that will bring only prosperity to my family, my brethren, and my people. I pledge to destroy all those who would dare to do wicked things against my family, my brethren, and my people. I pledge to prevent my power from tipping the balance of the forces of nature whenever I use it. I pledge to fight for all these values until my dying breath, whether it be in battle, or when my time has come."
Overall training Level
Top Row: Sigil of Fire, Sigil of Ice, Sigil of Light, Sigil of Lightning Bottom Row: Sigil of Rock, Sigil of Water, Sigil of Wind

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