Realspace Physical / Metaphysical Law in Legends of the Fall | World Anvil


Astral Topography

Realspace is the material world in which most sapient beings and civilizations exist within. The Chalice Galaxy sits within realspace.
  In the vast tapestry of our universe, the intricate dance between realspace and darkspace remains one of the most enigmatic phenomena. Realspace, the tangible realm in which our material reality unfolds, coexists with the ethereal dimension known as darkspace. This unique relationship between the two dimensions shapes the very essence of our cosmos.
  Realspace, it is believed, is intricately connected to darkspace, much like two realms sharing an enigmatic bond. Some speculate that realspace exists within darkspace, akin to a delicate balance, while others envision it as a floating layer above the depths of darkspace. Regardless of the specifics, one undeniable truth emerges: the astral topography of our universe is a testament to the interplay between these two dimensions.
  While the majority of realspace remains stable and hospitable, there exist regions where this delicate equilibrium falters. In these unstable pockets, strange and exotic phenomena manifest, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the mysteries of the cosmos. These anomalies can range from awe-inspiring celestial wonders to perilous disturbances that challenge even the most intrepid explorers.
  The interactions between realspace and darkspace give birth to cosmic wonders, unique landscapes, and untold dangers. From swirling vortexes of energy to gravity-defying realms where the laws of physics bend, the influence of darkspace on realspace is a testament to the boundless creativity of our universe.
  As we venture deeper into the uncharted territories of our science fantasy realm, we continue to unravel the secrets of realspace and darkspace. Each discovery fuels our insatiable curiosity, propelling us further into the cosmos, where the boundaries of possibility blur, and the realms of imagination and reality merge.

Darkspace Tidal Areas

The interstellar tapestry of realspace is punctuated by what are termed Darkspace tidal areas — expansive regions where the gravitational, spatial, and psychic currents of Darkspace ebb and flow across the canvas of reality. These are zones of potent interaction between Darkspace and realspace, resulting in unique travel dynamics and hazards. Their presence significantly shapes the way inhabitants of the cosmos perceive and interact with the enigmatic void that is Darkspace.
  High Tides
  In Darkspace tidal zones during high tides, the veil between realspace and Darkspace becomes tantalizingly thin. This not only allows for accelerated hyperspace travel due to a deeper engagement with Darkspace currents but also poses heightened risks.
  Manifestations and Breaches: High tides are prime times for Darkspace entities to breach into realspace. This can be a source of terror for those unprepared, yet some civilizations view this as an opportunity, a kind of cosmic "fishing" to gather these entities for their exotic resources or knowledge.
  Darkspace Storms: Localized tempests of dark energy and psychic turbulence become frequent. These storms can disrupt navigation, affect psychic abilities, and even lead to spatial disorientations. Travelers tell tales of ships being cast thousands of lightyears off course by such disturbances.
  Depth Dangers: The risk of dropping into deeper, uncharted layers of Darkspace increases. These regions are scarcely understood, and tales abound of ships vanishing, only to re-emerge centuries later or not at all.
  Low Tides
  During low tides, Darkspace recedes, making it more elusive to the senses of Psykers. Yet, this very elusiveness offers a protective buffer.
  Psychic Static: The withdrawn nature of Darkspace during low tides often results in a background "static" or interference in the psychic realm. While this can make Darkspace harder to perceive or engage with, it provides a shield of sorts against its more malevolent aspects.
  Training Grounds: Given their relatively benign nature, low tides are often chosen as training grounds for novice Psykers. Here, they can learn to touch upon Darkspace without the overwhelming intensity and hazards of more active zones.
  Travel Dynamics: Though low tides do not offer the speed benefits of high tides, they still present faster travel options than regions of standard Darkspace-realspace interaction. The risks are also minimized, making them popular routes for regular spacefarers.
  Understanding the cyclic nature of Darkspace tidal areas is crucial for interstellar navigators. Mastery over this knowledge not only dictates travel speeds but survival itself, especially when navigating the vast, unpredictable expanse that lies beyond the stars.
  Natural Nebulas: These vast expanses are formed either from clouds of cold interstellar gas and dust or the aftermath of a supernova. They act as stellar nurseries, where new stars and planetary systems take birth. While they can obscure vision to a degree, they don't particularly affect navigational equipment.
  Darkspace Nebulas: Resulting from the direct influence of Darkspace on Realspace, these nebulae are distinctive with their vibrant, almost otherworldly colors, setting them apart from the usual nebulous formations. They not only interfere with normal ship functions like jamming radars or sensors but can also exhibit unpredictable and often perilous anomalies that challenge even the most experienced of navigators.
  Stellar Maelstroms:
  Reminiscent of violent cosmic whirlpools, Maelstroms are areas where the turbulence of Darkspace spills into Realspace. They are marked by their spiraling vortices of stars, debris, and dark energy. Navigators are wary of these, as they can distort both time and space. Many tales are told of ships lost to a Maelstrom's insatiable pull, and debates rage about the fate of such ill-fated voyages. Venturing into a Maelstrom's edge might offer shortcuts to deeper layers of Darkspace, but the core remains a treacherous mystery. It's believed by some that these phenomena are not mere natural occurrences but the manifestations of ancient cosmic beings that ensnare and consume whatever comes their way.
  These are violent, unpredictable storms that seem to emerge out of nowhere in Realspace. Fuelled by discharges of Darkspace energy, they can be likened to electric storms, producing devastating bolts that can disable or destroy ships. They also generate darkspace waves, capable of knocking ships out of hyperspace or plunging them into the deeper, dangerous recesses of Darkspace. Psykers, with their innate sensitivity, can often sense and predict these storms, making them invaluable for safe navigation.
  In the intricate dance between Realspace and Darkspace, tempests serve as a powerful reminder of the universe's untamed forces. These tempests are not merely Realspace phenomena; they represent a convergence of chaos between two realms, making them doubly hazardous. Tempests hold dominion over both Realspace and Darkspace, acting as a bridge for the tumultuous energies that flow between these layers of existence. Their birth is a violent affair, often without warning, heralding a maelstrom of Darkspace energy that wreaks havoc across the cosmic divide. The most distinctive feature of these tempests is their ability to manipulate the fabric of both realms. A vessel caught within the fury of a tempest may find itself in a perilous ping-pong between hyperspace and Realspace. Without warning, a ship can be hurled from the relative safety of hyperspace back into the visceral reality of Realspace, only to be ensnared once more by the tempest’s pull, dragging it back into the depths of Darkspace.
  These storms are particularly treacherous in tidal areas where the barrier between Darkspace and Realspace is already thin. Here, the tempests are capable of not just forcing ships out of hyperspace, but also plunging them into the fathomless deep layers of Darkspace—regions from which few have returned. The erratic nature of these tempests also creates a phenomenon known as 'stormriding.' Some daredevil navigators attempt to use the powerful currents of the storms to achieve greater speeds, a practice that is as dangerous as it is exhilarating, with the risk of being lost in space forever.
  In this unpredictable environment, psykers are more than mere navigators; they are beacons of hope and survival. With their enhanced sensitivities, they can perceive the faintest stirrings of a tempest brewing, allowing ships to either brace for the storm or steer clear entirely. The intuition of a seasoned psyker can mean the difference between a successful voyage and a catastrophic encounter.
  Interstellar Reefs:
  Constructed from solidified Darkspace energies, these vast structures stretch across lightyears, their intricate patterns reminiscent of cosmic coral reefs. Luminous and hauntingly beautiful, they're hotspots for exotic life forms and resources. Predatory entities from Darkspace are often attracted to these reefs, hunting the myriad creatures that call them home. Miners and explorers are drawn to reefs for the valuable materials they might yield. But navigating these structures is no small feat. Specialized beacons, acting like cosmic lighthouses, are often erected to guide ships safely through. Without these guiding lights, pilots are left to trust their instincts and keen eyesight to traverse the labyrinthine paths of these reefs, hoping not to attract the attention of lurking dangers.
  Sinkholes: The Treacherous Shortcuts
  Sinkholes, as their name implies, offer a dive into deeper velocities within hyperspace. While they promise the allure of rapid travel, they come with their fair share of risks. Navigating through sinkholes, voyagers might find themselves plummeting into the uncharted and perilous layers of Darkspace. But where there's danger, there's often treasure.
  These voids have become the stuff of legends among treasure hunters and explorers, who brave the odds to seek entrances to this abyss, hoping for bounties from deep within. Whether it's lost artifacts, ancient technologies, or unique energy signatures, sinkholes keep many secrets.
  Not all sinkholes are of the same caliber. Their sizes vary immensely. Among the most infamous is the colossal sinkhole situated near the core, a region that bears witness to many space tales. Marking the territorial demarcation between the Rhinavren Councilette and the Rorance Kingdoms, this sinkhole is a subject of both awe and apprehension.
  Darkveins: The Cosmic Mountain Ranges
  Traversing the expanse of Realspace can often feel like gliding across a serene lake. However, every so often, ships encounter regions that defy this serenity— the darkveins.
  Think of darkveins as dense patches in the interstellar quilt. They resist the streamlined flow of hyperspace, compelling ships to slow their pace considerably. If Realspace is akin to water, darkveins challenge ships like rocks resisting a forceful current. To navigate these regions safely, ships must reduce their hyperspace velocities, ensuring they don't crash against the unseen 'mountains' these cosmic patches hide.
  But what makes darkveins? There's speculation that they might be a unique type of nebula, denser and more unpredictable than their counterparts. Their dense nature, however, isn't just a navigational hindrance. Miners and explorers have discovered that darkveins are rich in mineral deposits. Even more intriguingly, some claim that they house elements that seep in from Darkspace— elements alien to our known universe, potentially holding the key to new technologies or energy sources.
  These celestial mountain ranges, while challenging, have thus become hubs for mining expeditions and scientific endeavors, their mysteries waiting to be unraveled.
Realspace is the tangible dimension of existence, the vibrant tapestry of galaxies, stars, planets, and cosmic phenomena that we perceive and interact with. It is where life as we know it unfolds, civilizations rise and fall, and the dance of celestial bodies takes place across eons. Unlike the enigmatic realm of Darkspace, which exists layered beneath it, Realspace is a kaleidoscope of colors, sounds, and sensations, filled with matter and governed by the laws of physics. Here, in Realspace, nebulae birth stars, black holes consume all that venture too close, and planets orbit their suns in harmonious ballets. It's a realm of light and darkness, of vast emptiness punctuated by pockets of intense activity, where comets streak across skies and civilizations harness the energy of stars.   Yet, for all its wonder, Realspace is just one facet of the universe's complexity. While it stands in stark contrast to the monochromatic and mysterious Darkspace beneath, the two realms are intrinsically intertwined, each influencing and shaping the other in ways still being unraveled by the curious minds of explorers and scholars alike.
Metaphysical, Astral


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