Sevenarches Geographic Location in Legends of Golarion | World Anvil


Ward of the Druids

Life in Sevenarches is less civilized than in other River Kingdoms. Settlements are small, rough, and fortified. Rather than the loose spreading of a village every few miles that characterizes other civilized settlements in the Inner Sea region, small towns tend to clump together every dozen miles or so, with lightly patrolled farmland in between. Dirt roads with stone mile-markers are the most advanced thoroughfares in the kingdom. Very few roads exist, with those that do primarily running from the city of Sevenarches out to the towns and farms along the rivers. Wild animals, including dire animals, roam freely across most of the realm. Travelers are warned to stay in groups, and hire protection if going very far.   No one in Sevenarches goes hungry, and bandits are noticeably less common here compared to other kingdoms. But the price for stability is paid in liberty. By law, the ruling Oakstewards may demand up to 90% of a person’s holdings without question—whether or not that person is a citizen of Sevenarches.
    The Oakstewards ban elves from entering Sevenarches.
Just stepping into civilized Sevenarches eases the mind. The land is fairer, the grass softer, the weather milder, and the sky a brighter blue than only a few yards outside the territory. Sevenarches is possibly the largest River Kingdom in land area, although Gralton and Pitax have decent competing claims to this title. It also has a shocking stability compared to other River Kingdoms, thanks to its sizeable standing army and the hyper-vigilant oversight of the ruling druid sect known as the Oakstewards.

" The connection this land has to the First World is a wellspring that must be protected for the common good. Yet mortals must be protected form it as well, for not all that comes fom the fey world is meant for this one. " -Leoti, Voice of the Wind
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