Legends of eternity: war of the eternals Yeas of Chaos
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Yeas of Chaos

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


The years of silence left many questions in the minds of everyone. Many didn't live long enough to get said answeres. Those who lived during this specific year would find the answer, and their very sanity would be tested.

At the stroke of midnight, new year's day, 770 P.A., the question, "When will the cult return?" was answered. The answer tested their sanity, and survivability. Every member of the age-old cult errupted from their hideouts, and unleashed havoc unto the people of Eternity. Blood lined the streets, and screams filled the ear. Even Fafnia's Pillar Warriors couldn't keep the cult at bay for long. Strangely, the cult killed many times fewer people than they took prisoners.   The cult ruled the streets, and spread terror through Eternity. To combat this threat, an arcane order was formed. They did not Identify, or align with their nation of origin, they were their own body entirely. This arcane order was led by the last surviving dragons, Tilliat, and Matrias, and a dwarf templar named Duroth Opalstone. They used the arcane magic, and all its power to fight the cult. All of Eternity's strongest wizards, templars, and prophets came togeather under the dragons. Even they struggled under the sheer force of the Eternals' power.   Duroth gathered this order in Midor, and started the fight there. They fought their way towards the north, trying to eventually take Mt. Theose. They did not have the numbers, or resources to launce large-scale battles. Instead, they used gurila strikes to force retreats from vital pressure points in their terratory. Duroth led every strike. Eventually, they did gain access to Mt. Theose's molten theorium. The dwarven members of this order would now forge weapons of this metal, and give the order an edge.   Even with this edge, it was still a struggle. Once they pushed themselves into Heodar, they found squads of Heodar's Honor Guard, struggling, but surviving in the shadows. They joined the order, and would become very usefull in the fight against the cult. They would accompany the strike squads on their missions. Having Eternity's greatest swordsmen made a significant difference in the war effort. They were able to take back the City of the Dawn in only a week of constant gurilla strikes.   Still, losses were starting to stack up. They needed more warriors, strong ones. There are few stronger warriors than those within the draconin ranks. Duroth led a small team to the shores of Doh'garus. Matrias accompanied this team. On their first strike, in the northern end of Doh'garus, they found a squad of Doh'gaus Archers hidden in the cracks of a large rock face. The archers proved to be a vital factor in the battle, as they had a flanking position on the cultists. Duroth gave them Does' blessing, and the arrows now held his divine wrath.   Once the area was cleared of cultists, the Doh'garus Archers joined the order, and aided in the push eastward. Once they crossed into Fafnia, they witnessed a Pillar Warrior strike against the Children of the Eternals. The team Duroth was leading aided the Pillar Warriors, and forced a retreat from the cultists. The northern end of the southern landmass was now freed.   Meanwhile, in the central landmass, the arcane order was being led by Tilliat, and they all drove themselves through the central landmass, through Heodar, and most of Brimbaria. Their first battle in Brimbaria was an ambush. Not by the order, but the cultists. a traitor had given the cultists information regarding where they'd strike. The cult set upa large force to lie in wait for the squad. Tilliat himself led this squad, and was forced to watch as they all were defeated in short order. Once he was all that was left of that strike force, he was forced to flee. Once he found the traitor, the traitor was burned by his fire.   A second strike was made. This time, Tilliat scouted ahead to burn any waiting for another strike. This time, he caught them by suprise, and led the charge to get that area cleared. This strike gave the order back its momentum. That momentum carried them through Brimbaria.   In the southern landmass, he slowly found the entire Fafnian army, and added them to his strike force. Through the same gurilla tactics that has been driving them through the cultist's land before, they eventually freed Fafnia. As they would move to free Doh'garus, they discovered why they had consistant victories. Doh'garus was where the cult had gathered the bulk of their strength. The order, and those they had picked up were forced to flee that field, and hold the line until the rest of the order could join them. Duroth came north to obtain this aid.   He was impressed at how Tilliat had freed most of Heodar, and Brimbaria while he was away. Tilliat split his forces evanly, and sent one half to the southern landmass with Duroth. He returned with the reinforcements just in time, as another day of fighting would have forced a retreat. Along with his aid on the front, Doh'garus' most infamous fighting force charged from behind the cultist line. Horoth's Siegebreakers had arrived. The combined charges snapped the cultist line in half.   In the northern end of Eternity, the arcane order had recently freed the capitol of Brimbaria, Eldara. They had found the brimbarian forces, including their archers. These archers would help them make their move north. The Halfling North was lighter in cultist activity, but they were still present, and were still causing suffering to the halflings. The rogues, and rangers that were protecting the north were doing so suprisingly well, as the cultist activity was countered quite often. However, they were still insufficiant. Once the order had arrived, they drilled through the cultists with little effort.   Midor, Brimbaria, and the Halfling North were now freed, and people were now rebuilding their once normal lives. Tilliat guided the order south to aid in the fight for Doh'garus. They ripped what little was left of the cult to shreds. The final battle, and the base of dragon peaks, saw the dragons, and Duroth leading the charge. Followed closely by Horoth's Siegebreakers, then the Pillar Warriors, and Heodar's honor guard. The starndard armies of each nation were right behind them. The Doh'garus archers took up flanking positions to box in the cult while the Brimbarian archers rained death from the mountainside.   Duroth found that the leader of the cult as a whole was positioned here. The man had an Eternal bound directly to his soul. He had never once left his lair, and instead sent his foul minions to do his dirty work. The clashing forces were beyond any other battle seen on Eternity, as entities both divine, and Eternal fought. Duroth's faith in Deos eventually saw the lazy cultist leader destroyed.   This victory marked the end of this war. However, the cult was not truly gone. They never are. Many called this the end, but Duroth, Tilliat, and Matrias knew, this was only a prelude to something worse. Dispite the aid, relations between the draconic nations, and Heodar did not fully heal. While Heodar had earned their respect, the draconin still held on to how Heodar killed one of the last few dragons. That much could not be forgotten. Now, all nations tightened their grip on the blade when facing the Children of the Eternals for when they innevitably return.

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