Legends of eternity: war of the eternals The Rise of Theosite
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The Rise of Theosite

Discovery, Scientific


The dwarves of Midor discover the material that the called theosite, and have perfected it into the metal that drives Eternity.

The dwarven refugees head west toward the mountains. They call their nation Midor. On the old world they were masters of the forges. It was no different here on Eternity. They searched for the metal that would soon define them. A volcano lay dormant in the northern end of the mountain chain they now call home. One dwarf would go near the mount. Theos Vorsa braved the slopes, and the cold. Once he had come to the summit, and saw the magma, it was not the orange flaming mass he was expecting. It was silver, with blue streaks. He gathered it into a mold of a hammer.   Once complete, the weapon was lighter than anything he had ever worked with. He slammed it against a rock, and watched as the rock crumbled. He showed the material to his fellow dwarves. They found that if the holder is truly noble in heart and mind, the metal would glow blue. Thoes was credited with giving the dwarves of the newly formed Midor purpose. The metal was soon named after him, Theosite.   Other nations caught wind of this discovery and wanted some for their own purposes. Midor demanded top dollar for the stuff, and the other nations were forced to comply.

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