New Moonfall Organization in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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New Moonfall

One of the three successor nations that rose after the twenty city-states that once made up the Halfling North fell into war, and conquered each other. This one, called New Moonfall, has its capital located directly where the city-state, Port Moonfall once stood. The city was destroyed during the war that turned the twenty city-states into three nations. Of the three Halfling nations, this one has the most trade among the other nations of Eternity.


The Prime Minister is at the top of the government of New Moonfall. He makes all the laws, and regulations that govern the nation. Below him are the chiefs of wealth, and security. The Chief of Wealth manages New Moonfall's economic strength, while the Chief of Security manages the enforcement of New Moonfall's laws, and manages its military. Below them, is the Prime Envoy, who handles the bulk of all international matters, being trade, or any other geopolitical matter.


It was war needlessly fought that turned them into a nation. Now, violence leaves a bitter taste among its people, and government. All forms of violence, or anything that could cause violence is banned. Peace must be maintained at all costs.

Public Agenda

The one goal behind New Moonfall is to maintain peace among its people, and among other nations. They will send their Prime Envoy to stop wars before they start, though this isn't always successful.


Their wealth may not be to the extent of the dwarven nation Midor, but they have sufficient wealth to keep themselves afloat. Their military strength is limited, as they view any form of violence to be a last resort, if that. They much prefer a more political method of maintaining their own safety, and security. Their trade fleet is third in sheer volume, following Midor, and the draconic nation Doh'garus.


They were one of three Halfling nations forged by war. It is located on the northern tip of the eastern landmass, bordering the dwarven nation, Midor. Since New Moonfall was formed, it has had close ties to Midor simply because they share a border. Midor contributes to Moonfall's economy by offering jobs to the halflings, and paying them in Theosite coins.

Demography and Population

Most of the population is along the northern coast, north of the small mountain chain. This allows them to avoid the Doom Cage storms. Now that the cult, (which was a primary cause of death) has lost its power, the population has begun growing at its fastest since the first age, with a birth/death rate of nearly 2.0.


While their military is limited, they do have a military presence. They mostly use the military to enforce domestic peace, rather than foreign.

Foreign Relations

They have had close ties with Midor ever since they first were formed into a nation. They share a border, making it easy for Midor to provide jobs for any halflings seeking a job. In exchange, New Moonfall has frequent trade with Midor. (Mostly involving Theosite) New Moonfall pays much less than other nations because of their friendship with Midor. They get along relatively well with the other Halfling nations, as they share almost everything in common, though memories of war still live in the minds, and books of each other's records. They were not fond of Heodar, as they were constantly refusing to engage in any sort of diplomatic relation. They have little, to no relations with the draconic nations, mostly due to lack of demand for each other's resources.


Outside of the obvious, any possession, and use of weapons is banned. This is due to the needlessly fought war that forged the nation. Religious freedom is given to the people, so long as said religion does not cause harm to others.

Agriculture & Industry

While they have farms north of the mountains, and even on the northern mountain face, most of their wealth comes from working for Midor, and aiding them in their larger projects.
Founding Date
500 P.A.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
TC (Theosite Coins)
Legislative Body
The Prime Minister, elected by the people writes, and signs off on all laws which govern the people.
Executive Body
The Chief of Security enforces all laws written by the Prime Minister.


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Nov 13, 2023 18:55

looks like it would be a nice place to live

Nov 13, 2023 23:25

Yeah, relatively so. There is a minimal cult presence, and the halflings are a relatively peaceful people, so yeah, it would be a nice place to live in comparison to the rest of Eternity.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16