Aetherology and the Elemental Leylines Physical / Metaphysical Law in Legends of Astraea | World Anvil
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Aetherology and the Elemental Leylines (Ee-thurr-ah-lo-jee, Lay-lines)

Aetherology is the science of understanding and manipulating the aether present throughout all of creation - in the air, in the sea, in every living and nonliving thing. Explained with a metaphor, an intricate invisible web connects all things from the most massive of Sky Leviathans to the smallest grain of sand, and the flowing currents of aether along the strands of that web are called leylines.   Leylines themselves are elementally aspected much like their corporeal counterpart - aether - and reflect that in the environments they flow through. For example, an area whose leylines are predominantly Fire-aspected might be hot, dry, and arid like the great desertous expanses of Kheldor's wilderness. The oceans are plentiful in the aspect of Water, the sky plentiful in Air, so on and so forth.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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