Prince Mark Character in Legendary Britannia | World Anvil
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Prince Mark

The Fox Prince

Prince Mark ap Idres

A name of evil savour in the land,
The Cornish king. In either hand he bore
What dazzled all, and shone far-off as shines
A field of charlock in the sudden sun
Between two showers, a cloth of palest gold,
Which down he laid before the throne, and knelt,
Delivering, that his lord, the vassal king,
Prince of Cornwall, younger son of King Idres.
Mark is one of many Cornish princes from the counties of Britain and Brittany. He is an ambitious courtier, at this time working diligently for King Idres.  
Known for: Intrigue, Courtesy, Gaming (Chess), Folk Lore, Battle, Sword, Deceitful, Suspicious, Proud, Loyality (Idres)

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Very elongated ears that he keeps hidden behind strands of black hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to King Idres' second wife.
Brother of Prince Boudwin .


  • Was tutored by the finest teachers that Cornwall's wealth could buy.
Year of Birth
476 AD 34 Years old
Castle Dore, Cornwall
Aligned Organization

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