Zidtra Species in Legacy of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Zidtra are humanoid Lizards capable of channeling electrical energy through their bodies. They come from the world of Zid and are the dominant race there. Through their command of electricity they are walking batteries able to unleash the electricity they hold. They also can survive days with out food and water as long as they are fully charged.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations



The Zidtra were perfectly fine staying on their home planet when they were visited by the Gaian explorers. They started hostile to the group, but thanks to some work they made peace and saw the ability to travel space as a chance to accomplish something amazing. So with the Gaian's help they built ships suitable for themselves using the metal from their world to crate ships that the zidtra could power themselves. Now they are rather useful part of the commonwealth.


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