Gene Splicing Technology / Science in Legacy of Unsu | World Anvil
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Gene Splicing

Gene splicing was developed to move past simple cloning of already existing people and move to altering genetics to create something different. The method changing between scientists to scientists with some wild alterations. This led to wild mutations that only lead to gene destabilization. Thanks to one scientist who figured how to alter the base genetics without destabilization.

This scientist created the first gene spliced clone changing the base dna to create a new person by splicing dna. Thus opening the way to synthesizes life forms. 

The same scientists would create the first genetically altered life form with the help of a test subject that allowed enhance healing abilities to be added to them. 

Both instances lead to success thanks to the scientist creating a stabilization chemical and advance gene editing techniques


It was discovered to get around the laws against cloning. By altering the genetics or generating new cells it can be considered not a clone thus legally not a copy of someone. This had lead to the hybrids created from gene splicing not to be considered clones and more of a new product. This also led to them not be considered people.


Special devices and chemicals must be made to produce gene splicing. Let alone aid the life forms to grow properly.
Access & Availability
It was common during the time of the hybrids and the war against them. Now it's considered illegal to mess with gene splicing unless approved by one of the Galactic Governments.
It's built on the back of cloning. Needing to clone cells with the mutation and stabilizer built in.
It was discovered by through many experiments that only me with disaster till a young scientist figured out the key to stabilizing the mutations. He got hold of a unique genetic profile that had the key to stabilizing genes.


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