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Welcome to Dragon's Rest

General Summary

16 Mirtul, The Year of the Duplicitous Courtier (1496 DR)   Dragon's Rest, Stormwreck Isle, The Sea of Swords    
    The journey was uneventful, but the island now visible off the bow promised rare wonders.   Seaweed shimmered in countless brilliant colors below, and rays of sunlight defied the overcast sky to illuminate the island's lush grass and dark basalt rock. Avoiding the rocks jutting up from the ocean, the ship made its way toward a calm harbor on the island’s north side.   A large, open-air temple came into view, perched on the edge of a high cliff. The ship dropped anchor at the mouth of the harbor, and two sailors rowed the travelers ashore.   They had plenty of time to admire the towering statue at the center of the temple, depicting a wizened man surrounded by seven songbirds. A long path meandered up the side of the cliff to the temple, dotted along the way with doorways cut into the rock.   The sailors set the travelers ashore on a rickety dock, where a large rowboat is neatly tied. They pointed to the base of the path and wished the travelers good luck before they rowed back to the ship.   As everyone was about to leave the beach and start their climb, they heard a ruckus of splashing and a wet, gurgling moan behind them.   Three figures were shambling up away from the water’s edge. They were dressed as sailors, but their skin was gray and looked drowned. Sea water drooled from their slack mouths as they lurched toward the two sailors in the rowboat who were frantically trying to beat off the ghastly figures.   The travelers reached for weapons and prepared spells to battle the drowned sailors from the sea and hopefully save the two sailors.
Report Date
06 Jan 2023
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