Vesszdrin Hune Character in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Vesszdrin Hune

In the shadowed depths of the Underdark, Vesszdrin Hune was born into a world of darkness and treachery. He hailed from a noble family, but their power struggles and twisted politics disgusted him. Vesszdrin yearned for a life beyond the oppressive confines of the subterranean realm.   From a young age, Vesszdrin had a connection with nature that set him apart from his kin. He often wandered to the surface world where he found solace in the whispering winds, the rustling leaves, and the song of the night creatures. He felt a deep affinity for the natural world that contrasted sharply with the sadistic tendencies of his fellow drow.   Driven by a thirst for freedom and an insatiable curiosity about the world above, Vesszdrin made a daring escape from the Underdark, evading capture and death at the hands of his family. Clad in dark leather armor and wielding a longbow, he ventured into the uncharted tunnels, navigating the labyrinthine passages and eluding the sinister denizens of the Underdark.   Emerging into the surface world, Vesszdrin found himself near the bustling city of Baldur's Gate. The metropolis fascinated him with its diverse inhabitants, intricate politics, and vibrant streets. Though the city dwellers regarded him with suspicion and apprehension due to his drow heritage, Vesszdrin was undeterred.   In Baldur's Gate, Vesszdrin's skills as a ranger became invaluable. He used his proficiency with a bow to hunt dangerous creatures that threatened the city's outskirts and protected travelers from bandit attacks on the roads.   With his deadly accuracy, unwavering determination, and innate connection to nature, he continues to explore the surface world, seeking both adventure and a chance to create a better future for himself and those around him in the city of Baldur's Gate.
Played by Matt Z.
Year of Birth
1360 136 Years old
Aligned Organization
Vesszdrin Hune


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