Sajen Underfoot Character in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Sajen Underfoot

Sajen's parents identified his magical talent early and arranged for him to be apprenticed to a kindly wizard in the city of Neverwinter. Sajen excelled at his studies and forged friendships and rivalries with other apprentices. He always had a particular knack for wielding flashy, energetic forces.   His background shaped his character in some important ways. A secret sought by a colleague drove him. His skill in Arcana and History also reflected his upbringing, studying the nature of magic and the great wizards of days past who wielded it.   After graduating from his apprenticeship, Sajen and his peers went their separate ways to focus on their own studies. Recently, while in Daggerford, Sajen received a letter from one of his colleagues pointing him toward a source of lost knowledge. Shortly after the letter arrived, Sajen learned tragic news: the same colleague had died under mysterious circumstances.   The letter spoke of an arcane observatory built on a nearby island by wizards long gone, and it hinted at powerful magic hidden there. A small cloister known as Dragon’s Rest also resides on the island. The caretaker of the cloister’s temple to the dragon god Bahamut, who is a patron of heroes and a champion of justice, must have information regarding the observatory. Sajen had a feeling this Elder Runara can set him on the path to discovering the knowledge his friend never found.
Played by John G.


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