Sailing to Chult Report in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Sailing to Chult

General Summary

14 Kythorn - 28 Flamerule, The Year of the Duplicitous Courtier (1496 DR)     Sea of Swords    
  The adventurers embarked on a grand ocean voyage on the Sea of Swords, their destination the distant and mysterious land of Chult shrouded in legends and hidden dangers.   The ship they boarded was a sturdy vessel, its sails billowing in the wind as it set sail across the vast expanse of the Sea of Swords. The Brazen Pegasus was captained by Ortimay Swift, a female rock gnome who was both clever and calm. Her first mate was Grig Ruddell, a hulking Illuskan man whose face was almost hidden by a heavy beard streaked with gray. Other than shouting orders at the crew and conversing in low tones with Captain Ortimay, Ruddell barely spoke to the adventurers throughout the journey. The rest of the crew was made up of various men and women of different species and backgrounds.   Weeks prior, while resting in Dragon's Rest, the adventurers were met by Lerek Dashlynd, a human man who represented the Lords' Alliance and the Harpers.   Lerek told the group about the Death Curse, a disastrous and far-reaching magical plague that had spread throughout Toril some two years ago. The curse prevented the raising of the dead, even when resurrection spells were used, and caused creatures that were previously raised from death to wither and die.   Lerek Dashlynd said both the Lords' Alliance and the Harpers were willing to pay each of the adventurers a princely sum of 20,000 gold pieces and 10 acres of land anywhere between Neverwinter and Baldur's Gate. Each would also be given a magic item of up to rare quality prior to the expedition to Chult to help guarantee success. Lerek said their passage to Chult would be paid for.   He went on to say that in the past two years, the Harpers had learned the Death Curse was caused by a necromantic artifact called the Soulmonger. It was rumored to be located within the Tomb of the Nine Gods beneath the lost ruins of Omu, a city somewhere in the jungles of Chult.   Lerek added that most scholars believed that the only known means of stopping the Death Curse was the complete destruction of the Soulmonger.         Days turned into weeks as the ship plowed through the ever-changing tides. The adventurers spent their time acclimating to life on the vessel, learning the intricacies of sailing, and finding their place among the crew. They formed bonds with their fellow sailors, sharing tales of their adventures on Stormwreck Isle and forging new friendships in the process.   The routine of the voyage settled into a rhythm. Mornings began with the rising sun, as the crew worked together to unfurl the sails and catch the winds that propelled the ship forward. The adventurers, eager to contribute, assisted in various tasks, whether it be climbing the rigging, manning the helm, or keeping watch for any signs of danger.   During the day, the adventurers had moments of respite. Some chose to train their skills, honing their combat techniques or studying spells, preparing for the challenges that awaited them at their destination. Others sought solace in quiet contemplation, gazing out at the expanse of water, their thoughts drifting with the ebb and flow of the tides.   As the sun dipped below the horizon, the night revealed a breathtaking spectacle. The starry sky stretched above, unobstructed by the light pollution of civilization. Constellations guided the ship, and the adventurers marveled at the beauty of the heavens, contemplating their place in the vast cosmos.   The voyage was not without its perils. Summer storms erupted with fury, lashing the ship with rain, and challenging the skill of the crew to navigate the tumultuous seas. The adventurers clung to the rails, bracing themselves against the elements, their determination unwavering in the face of the tempest.   Yet, despite the challenges, the ocean voyage was not without its moments of serenity and wonder. Majestic creatures breached the surface, dolphins leaping alongside the ship, and whales singing haunting melodies that reverberated through the hull. The adventurers beheld islands rising like emerald gems from the sea, their pristine beaches and lush forests beckoning with secrets waiting to be discovered.   Finally, after what felt like an eternity at sea, land appeared on the horizon. Cheers erupted from the crew as the adventurers caught their first glimpse of the distant shore of Chult, the culmination of their long and arduous journey.         The ship navigated the final stretch, reaching Jahaka Bay, where they would disembark.   Captain Ortimay expected to encounter any one of the three pirate ships said to ply the waters near Jahaka Bay but was surprised to see none of the ships as she navigated the Brazen Pegasus into the bay's entrance.   Before leaving Stormwreck Isle, Lerek told the party they would need to find a halfling archeologist by the name of Dr. Neverwinter Bones. Lerek said no one knew the mysterious lands of Chult better than Neverwinter Bones, who had spent nearly his entire lifetime studying Chult and its rich history. However, the Lords' Alliance had learned that Dr. Bones had recently been captured by pirates near Jahaka Bay and was probably being held prisoner by the pirates.   Captain Swift warned the group that within Jahaka Bay, three pirate ships used a large sea cave the pirates named Jahaka Anchorage as a haven. She expected to encounter either the Dragonfang, the Emerald Eye, or the Stirge. She was confident the Brazen Pegasus, a sloop of sleek build, could outrun and outmaneuver any pirate ship that threatened her.   Captain Swift urged the adventurers to sneak into Jahaka Anchorage at sunset by using one or her ship's rowboats.   As the adventurers stepped into the rowboat, their hearts were filled with a sense of triumph and anticipation. They had crossed the vast ocean, braved storms and uncertainty, and arrived at a new land. The voyage to Chult had tested their mettle, forged bonds of camaraderie, and prepared them for the adventures that awaited them on this distant shore.   As they rowed towards Jahaka Anchorage, the adventurers took a moment to reflect on their ocean voyage, knowing that the memories and experiences of their time at sea would forever be etched in their minds.   And with renewed vigor, they set forth to uncover the mysteries and treasures that awaited them in this new and uncharted land called Chult.
Report Date
23 Jun 2023


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