Reclaiming Camp Vengeance, Part 2 Report in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Reclaiming Camp Vengeance, Part 2

General Summary

24 Elesias, The Year of the Duplicitous Courtier (1496 DR)     Camp Vengeance, Chult    
  Having snuck their way into Camp Vengeance through the camp's latrines, the daring band of adventurers known as S.M.A.L.L. began their assault on the beleaguered camp, which had fallen into the hands of the dreaded Silent Snake Tribe of Batiri Goblins.   Soon after sneaking into the camp, the group silently made work of several goblins and captured one of the camp's towers. Once on the tower, Sajen cast a fireball spell upon a group of goblins gathered around a campfire near a nearby watch tower. As the searing fireball spell exploded amidst the goblins, their shrill cries of agony resounded throughout the camp, and their bodies were engulfed in a swirling vortex of flames and smoke.   With the blast from the fireball, the entire camp was alerted to the adventurers' presence. Goblins, who had been asleep moments before, began to awaken and exit their tents with bows and swords in hand.   Next to Sajen, Mask, with the help of his faithful blink dog pet, Dogee, let loose a volley of arrows that found their marks, each arrow piercing a goblin's heart, leaving them crumpling to the ground in silence, victims of his deadly marksmanship.   In the midst of the chaotic battle, the intrepid archaeologist Neverwinter Bones wielded his enchanted whip, striking down goblins with precision. Yet, as he deftly fought against one adversary after another, arrows flew from goblin archers from a nearby watchtower and other goblins nearby. Neverwinter, who, despite his magical prowess, couldn't evade the sudden onslaught. The arrows struck him, causing him to reconsider his options and return to the safety of his fellow adventurers.   Meanwhile, Sein, the stalwart paladin, and Brick, the burly fighter, formed an unbreakable frontline duo as they waded into the midst of the goblin horde. Sein's longsword gleamed with divine purpose as he cleaved through the goblins with righteous fury, his every strike imbued with the holy might of his deity, Bahamut.   Wielding his magical warhammer he named The Wreckoning, Brick swung with earth-shaking force, sending goblins flying like ragdolls with each blow.   Zantix, the enigmatic druid, stood before a group of goblins, the earth beneath him responding to his whispered incantations. As he raised his hands, the ground erupted into a deadly thicket of thorns and sharpened branches, forming a treacherous spike growth that tore through the goblins' ranks. The goblins, caught unaware, shrieked in pain as they struggled futilely to advance, their bodies impaled on the merciless spikes, leaving a grim testament to Zantix's mastery over nature's wrath.   From the eastern side of the camp, a warcry was heard.   The goblin boss had awakened in anger and was now trying to regroup the remaining goblins, hoping to launch a counterattack against the adventurers.   But any hope of a counterattack would soon be dashed.   Zantix once again showed why he was a master of nature's wrath.   As the goblin boss led his horde towards the adventurers, Zantix summoned his innate connection with nature, causing the earth beneath the goblins to erupt in a menacing spike growth. Thorny vines and sharp spikes erupted from the ground, impaling both the goblins and their leader, who were caught in the deadly spell. With anguished cries, the goblins fell one by one, and even their formidable leader couldn't escape the perilous thorns.   Several goblins who had witnessed the death of their leader and fellow goblin warriors decided it was time to save themselves. They quickly climbed onto the front tower gates to make their way over the camp's palisades. Unbeknownst to them, Wulf, Lorsa, and the other members of the Order of the Gauntlet would be waiting for them outside the camp.   Death would eventually claim the goblins. And it did, sooner than expected.   Sajen, the skilled wizard, raised his hands high and incanted the words of power as his arcane energy surged. With a flourish, he conjured a blazing fireball above the camp's main gate, hurling it into the midst of the fleeing goblins. The explosive burst of flames engulfed the escaping goblins, their agonized screams echoing through the jungle as they were consumed by the fiery inferno, leaving behind only charred remnants of their former presence.         In the wake of the fiery explosion, the adventurers searched the entire camp for any surviving goblin but found none.   The group's stealthy skills and powerful magic proved too much for the Silent Snake Tribe to handle. The goblins were overwhelmed, and Camp Vengeance was freed from their oppressive grasp. The adventurers' daring infiltration, coordinated attacks, and spellcasting secured a swift victory, allowing the camp to breathe freely once more.   The remaining soldiers of Camp Vengeance were grateful for what S.M.A.L.L. had done. They promised to provide the adventurers with whatever supplies they would need on their quest to find the lost city of Omu. They also offered the adventurers a place to rest and recover while Lorsa led two others with her to Port Nyanzaru to gather more supplies and request reinforcement for Camp Vengeance.   Wulf told the members of S.M.A.L.L. it could take over a month for the reinforcement to arrive.   The adventurers offered to remain in Camp Vengeance during that time to help protect it and help with much-needed repairs.

Rewards Granted

Milestone (Level 7)   Supplies like Rain Catchers, waterskins, insect repellat salves, etc.
Report Date
22 Sep 2023
Silent Snake Tribe (Batiri Goblin)

Cover image: Camp Vengeance


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