Mission: Inconceivable - The Murkmire Malevolence, Part 1 Report in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Mission: Inconceivable - The Murkmire Malevolence, Part 1

General Summary

2 Mirtul, The Year of the Tyrant's Pawn (1495 DR)   Raven's Bluff, The Vast    
“Greetings, operatives. The Golden Vault has learned that the egg of an eldritch horror has been mistaken for a historical object and is about to go on display at the Ravens Bluff Museum of Natural History. The anthropologist Dr. Cassee Dannell tried to warn officials about this egg, known as the Murkmire Stone, but none believed her. We do, and we know that if this egg hatches, many will die—or worse. This mission, should you choose to undertake it, requires you to infiltrate the museum, steal the egg, and return it to Dr. Dannell, who will neutralize it. There’s no time to waste; the egg could hatch at any moment. Start by meeting with Dr. Dannell. Should any of you in the Inconceivable Missions Guild be caught or killed, the Golden Vault will disavow any knowledge of your actions. The golden key will disappear in 6 seconds. Good luck, operatives."  
    The music box closed and the golden key vanished in a wisp of smoke several seconds after a voice gave the Inconceivable Missions Guild their first mission.   Moments later, an aarakocra messenger arrived with a scroll sealed with golden wax. A strange crest, which the group believed to be the symbol of the Golden Vault, was on the scroll.   The scroll gave information on how to travel through a portal to the city of Raven's Bluff located in the Vast, half a continent away.   Rather than wait for dawn, the group decided to travel to Raven's Bluff immediately.     The IMG arrived at Raven's Bluff inside a safe house owned by the Golden Vault. The IMG spent the night preparing for the next day's mission.       The following morning, a halfling arrived with a note.   The note read, “Meet me at the Sage’s Quill today as soon as you can. I beg your help in a delicate matter whose importance cannot be overstated. I shall await you in a purple hooded robe.”   The note was signed, “Dr. Cassee Dannell.”   "Do you know where the Sage's Quill is?" Cash asked Shi no Kage'. He said he did.      
“You’ve got to steal the Murkmire Stone and bring it back to me so I can save the city...and the rest of the multiverse!” - Dr. Cassee Dannell
    The Sage’s Quill was a quiet, plush tavern that catered to the city’s academics and intellectuals. It was located next to the Raven's Bluff Museum of Natural History.   As they entered the Sage’s Quill, soft light revealed mahogany furniture and luxurious carpets. A few genteel patrons murmured in the lounge. They soon noticed a purple-hooded figure tucked into a corner booth.   The IMG walked up to the figure, who turned out to be a human woman. She had beautiful dark skin and a very youthful appearance. She looked to be in her mid-twenties.   "Dr. Dannell, I presume," Vesszdrin said. "We received your note."   Dr. Dannell gestured for them to sit. Everyone noticed lines of worry etched into Dr. Dannell's face.   After ordering drinks and a light morningfeast for everyone, Dr. Dannell spoke to everyone.   “Thank you for coming so quickly,” she said. “A few weeks ago, I attended a dig in the Murkmire that unearthed a furrowed, light-green stone. I’ll give you all the details, but the bottom line is that it wasn't a stone at all—it was the egg of eldritch horror. Moreover, my research indicated it’ll hatch at midnight tonight."   “Trouble is, no one will listen to me. The university ignored me, and I was caught trying to steal the egg from the museum so I could contain it. Now I’ve been fired."   “You’ve got to steal the Murkmire Stone and bring it back to me so I can save the city...and the rest of the multiverse!”   The members of MIG returned to the safe house to go over the plans on how to steal the egg from the museum.
"The Heist" by Danny Elfman

Golden Vault Seal

Report Date
03 Mar 2023

Murkmire Malevolence Key

Dr. Cassee Dannell


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