Mission: Inconceivable - The Golden Vault Report in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Mission: Inconceivable - The Golden Vault

General Summary

1 Mirtul, Day after Greengrass, The Year of the Tyrant's Pawn (1495 DR)     Baldur's Gate, Sea of Swords       The elf ranger Vesszdrine Hune was the first to arrive at the docks of Baldur's Gate.   The others arrived not long after. Cash "i dilthen" Astrid, a changeling rogue from the world of Eberron was the second to arrive, followed by Sirrius Faust, a tiefling who struck a bargain with an efreeti who in turn granted Sirrius the powers of a warlock.   The three were soon joined by Blobby, a plasmoid monk, who was born among the stars of wildspace, and by Theckers Silverfeet, a deep gnome bard with a gift for singing and playing the lute.   All five were good friends who had known each other for almost a year. They had worked together on small heists that barely paid well enough to buy them drinks at the cheapest taverns in Baldur's Gate. But, they knew that eventually, they would land a big enough job that would earn them plenty of coins.   "So why did you summon us here?" Cash asked Vesszdrine. The others gathered around and asked the ranger the same question.   Vesszdrine looked confused. "I didn't summon any of you here. As a matter of fact, I received a message from you, Cash, to meet here. In the message you sent, you mentioned a prize worth getting inside the hold of that ship." Vesszdrine pointed to the ship docked nearby.   "I have a bad feeling about this," Theckers said. "I should have stayed at the inn. I'm still recovering from yesterday's Greengrass celebration."   "Feels like a setup," Blobby said.   They all stood at a pier next to an old ramshackle ship that had been converted to a tavern. The tavern, known as The Drunken Stowaway, was a popular drinking hole until the Low Lantern opened up nearby.   The group decided to explore the ship. Someone clearly had summoned them all to meet at the ship, and they intended to find out who and why.   Once aboard the ship, Cash stumbled upon a net trap. Fortunately, he was able to free himself.   After seeing Cash trigger a trap, the others decided to be more careful. Theckers cast a spell that would allow him to see anything magical close to him. He sensed a magical aura below deck. He told everyone about it.   "Let's watch our step," Vesszdrine warned.   However, Blobby, who was eager to get below deck moved ahead of the group and triggered an Alarm spell. The sounds of handbells ringing echoed throughout the ship's lower deck. It faded several seconds after the trap was triggered.   "Nice going," Theckers said. "I said I sensed something magical below deck."   The plasmoid shrugged the pair of shoulders he had formed. "Sorry, I didn't hear you."   Everyone readied themselves for a fight with whoever had set the traps on board the ship.     A door leading into a cabin opened. A comely female gnome stepped out and greeted the group.   "Sorry for all the traps, but I wanted to test your skills," the gnome said.   "Well, we obviously failed," Sirrius said.   Everyone looked at Blobby whose form sagged a little in embarrassment.   "Perhaps, but you still could prove very useful," the gnome said. "My name is Meera Felps."     Meera went on to explain how she represented a group known as the Golden Vault. She said the Golden Vault was a secretive organization that had its base on one of the good-aligned Outer Planes. She added that the organization rights moral wrongs, supported virtuous underdogs, and handled delicate situations local authorities wouldn't touch. She said the Golden Vault’s motto reflectedd its primary motivation: “Do good, no matter the cost.”   When Vesszdrine asked if the missions broke laws, Meera said the missions from the Golden Vault were often illegal, but they always supported a just, moral cause.   "If it pays in gems I'm in," Blobby said.   Meera smiled. "You'll be paid by those who have hired you through the Golden Vault. Plus, you'll be additionally compensated by the Golden Vault."   "Sounds good to me," Theckers said. "I'm in."   Everyone said the same thing and agreed to work for the Golden Vault.     After, Meera handed Sirrius an elaborately crafted musical box. Meera told everyone she would be the group's handler, the one who contacts them about their missions or quests. She said a golden key would be delivered each time before their missions. Once the key was inserted into the musical box, it would open. A voice from the box would then explain their mission objectives, after which the golden key would disappear in a puff of smoke.   Before leaving, Meera told the group the tavern was theirs to use as a base of operations. The Golden Vault will make any repairs or renovations for them.   She then asked the group to get their affairs in order. They would be leaving the following morning.
"Mission Impossible - Main Theme" by Danny Elfman
Golden Vault Music Box
Report Date
23 Feb 2023

Meera Felps


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