Meeting Nanny Pu'pu and exploring King Mbalawa's tomb Report in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Meeting Nanny Pu'pu and exploring King Mbalawa's tomb

General Summary

17 Elesias, The Year of the Duplicitous Courtier (1496 DR)     Mbala, Chult    
  After defeating the pteranodons, the members of S.M.A.L.L. gazed upon the ruins of Mbala.   The only structures still intact were a large statue of a Chultan man a hundred yards southwest of the gate and a lone hut beyond that at the edge of a ruined settlement.   The hut was made from thatch, and animal hides stretched over the rib cage of an immense reptile. Animal skulls, wind chimes, and totems of feathers and shells rattled in the breeze, and smoke drifted from the hut. A large brick cistern sat just north of the hut.   A creature suddenly shuffled slowly from around a nearby ruined structure. The creature was hunched over in an animal-like posture.   The group realized it was a human woman: impossibly old, crippled by arthritis, and blinded by cataracts. Her dark face and bald pate were outlined with streaks of yellow clay, suggesting the shape of a skull—or perhaps it was her shriveled flesh creating that illusion.   "Are you Nanny Pu'pu?" Neverwinter asked. "Many speak of an old hermit living within the ruins of Mbala."   The old hag turned to face Neverwinter. "Old, am I?" the woman laughed. "Found Nanny Pu'pu, you have."   "I am Dr. Neverwinter Bones. We came to Mbala hoping to gain a vantage view of the surrounding jungle. We do not mean to disturb you or burden you with our presence here. We just need to stay for a day or two."   The rest of the group introduced themselves to the old hermit, who, despite being blind, seemed to be staring at the two pteranodon carcasses the group had with them.   "Good meat, those have," Nanny Pu'pu said. "Cook them for you, I can."   Everyone admitted they were hungry for something other than the berries Zantix had been providing them for two tendays.   The old hermit turned and began to walk towards her hut. "Come. Have you all for dinner, I would like."   Mask looked to the others as he whistled for Doggee, his pet blink dog, to follow. "I'm not sure I like what she meant by that."   The others shrugged, gathered their belongings, along with the pteranodon carcasses, and followed Nanny Pu'pu.       As the group passed the large statue, they noticed it appeared to be a man holding a staff towards the sky, though much of the detail had been weathered away.   An empty bowl sat beneath the statue. They also saw words inscribed at the base of the statue. The group asked Nanny Pu'pu about the statue.   "Crypt of the last king, it is said to be," she said. "King Kwalu Mbalawa. Legendary Rain Stick of Mbala, he holds."   Sajen donned his Helm of Comprehending Languages and read the words at the base of the statue out loud.    
Whose mother is a cloud,
Whose father is the sky,
Whose child is a band of colors,
Whose enemy is dry?
  "It's a riddle," Sein said.   "The answer is rain," Zantix said immediately. "Or water."   Sajen walked up to the stone bowl and poured the remaining water from his waterskin into the bowl. Zantix and Sein did the same.   Almost immediately, the large statue began to shake. Pieces of it cracked and broke off. Moments later, the entire statue slid back to reveal a set of stone steps descending into darkness below.   "Should we explore it now or wait until tomorrow?" Sajen asked the group.   "We still have a few hours before the sun sets," Neverwinter said.   Everyone agreed to explore the tomb of King Mbalawa.   Zantix turned to Nanny Pu'pu. "Please wait here for us. It won't take us long to explore the tomb."   "Dangerous, Mbala is, when night comes," she warned. "Even more when the sun rises, it is."   "Why is it dangerous in the morning?" Brick asked.   Nanny Pu'pu's gaze turned towards the sky. "Birdfolks. Come and hunt in Mbala, they do, when sun rises."   "What are these birdfolks?" Sajen asked.   "Sounds like Pterafolks," Neverwinter said. "They're tall vicious creatures resembling a cross between a lizardfolk and the pteranodons we encountered."   "Do they bother you, Nanny Pu'pu?" Brick asked.   The old woman nodded.   The group offered to help Nanny Pu'pu with the pterafolks in the morning. In return, the old hermit offered to create unique potions that could help them in their journey through Chult. All she would need from them was a small amount of blood or some hair clippings.   The group said they would consider the offer. But first, they wanted to explore the tomb.       As they descended into the tomb, the air grew heavy with the scent of decay. The soft glow of their torches revealed towering shelves laden with scrolls, their delicate pages aged by time. The adventurers' excitement was palpable as they carefully unfurled these precious relics, each scroll carrying tales of the forgotten history of Mbala.   As the adventurers pressed onward, they stumbled upon a massive stone door, adorned with an intricate carving of a noble, kingly, man's face. It resembled the face on the large statue above the tomb. With caution, they detected a magical trap mechanism on the door.   Mask cast an Unseen Servant spell and had it trigger the trap while everyone stood far enough away from the door. Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind emanating from the door blew across the tomb, easily tearing scrolls apart and sending ancient dust everywhere.   With the trap dealt with, they opened the door, revealing a passage that led them to the tomb's inner sanctum.   The air grew colder as they entered the sanctum, and a sense of foreboding settled upon them. The room was dominated by a stone sarcophagus with an inscription carved into it. Three coffins resided in wall recesses to the right of the entrance.   Sajen read the inscription out loud for everyone to hear.     Here lies King Kwalu Mbalawa, the last King of the great kingdom of Mbala. He is interred here with his family, who were taken before him through tragic misfortune. No riches lie buried here, for the King decreed all his riches would go to ensuring Mbala’s survival. Like an artisan, he is buried with naught but his tools, which were not enough to save our people.     After deciding to open the sarcophagus, they encountered an eerie sight: a mummy, its wrappings tattered and its eyes burning with an otherworldly light. The mummy began to pull itself out of the sarcophagus while it uttered a word. Immidiately, three reanimated zombies burst out of the nearby coffins, attacking with surprising agility.   The battle that ensued was one of desperation and survival. Spells crackled through the air, weapons clashed with bone, and the scent of magic intermingled with the stench of decay.   In the end, the adventurers emerged victorious, though not unscathed. Mask had suffered the worst from the mummy's necrotic touch, but he survived.   Among the mummy's treasured adornment, the group found a staff which, through an Identify spell, turned out to be the legendary Rain Stick of Mbala.   Their encounter with the mummy and its undead guardians had tested both their mettle and their bonds as a team. As they caught their breath and surveyed the aftermath, a renewed sense of purpose filled the tomb's hallowed chamber. With scrolls in hand, secrets waiting to be unveiled, and their camaraderie once again forged in the crucible of battle, they returned to the surface, eager to get a good night's rest and help put an end to the dangers the pterafolks posed on Nanny Pu'pu .
Report Date
18 Aug 2023
Nanny Pu'pu


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