Skomaellum Geographic Location in Legacy of the Bound | World Anvil
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Skomaellum is experienced as a vast wasteland, across which rage howling winds and great storms of dust. It is dotted with great pillars of rock and metal, atop which are sometimes said to be stranded those who falsely claimed divine sanction for their misdeeds, ever crying out to the uncaring sky for their gods to rescue them. Surrounding the wasteland on all sides is a range of great mountains, whose peaks are lost in the clouds above. The wasteland is inhospitable to life, and the shades that wander there exist in a state of constant thirst, hunger, and deprivation of all kinds; though at the centre of the desert there is an area which is a little less bleak than the rest, in which some rudimentary settlements exist. The shades of the dead that are drawn to Skomaellum must choose to remain in the relatively safe centre, where they might eke out a miserable existence of constant hardship and little joy that will last for all eternity, or else venture into the dust storms in the hope of reaching the far peaks. Of those who do attempt the journey, most are doomed to wander lost in the storms until the end of time, or else reach the mountains only to be plucked from the rocks and cast back into the sands by the winged demons that dwell there; those who are successful in ascending the peaks - which is often said to come at some dreadful but unspecified cost - simultaneously undergo Descent, and are transformed into demonic beings.   Skomaellum is ruled by the Courts of Hubris, who ultimately serve the being known as the Blind God.
Alternative Name(s)
Hell of the Hubristic, Desert of the Pillars
Location under
Inhabiting Species


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