Serrasolo Settlement in Legacy of the Bound | World Anvil
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Often dismissively referred to an "overgrown fishing village", Serrasolo is a moderately sized market town chiefly known for its role in the War of the Seas in the late 1070's, when it was the site of ferocious combat between the Sahuagin invaders and an Alderni militia under the command of Serafina Vatallio. Serafina Vatallio was a burgher of the town, who was ennobled as a reward for her bravery and decisive leadership, founding the prominent client-house of Vatallio-Erastes. Whilst since the revolution few talk openly in fond terms of any Alderni noble house, the people of Serrasolo continue to hold a great amount of pride in the tale of that most famous inhabitant of the town - and dismiss as scurrilous rumors any claims that her victory was only achieved through dabbling in dark magic.
Founding Date
575 AK
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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